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Try a different LPT port, LPT2 for example. Your physical hardware is already addressing LPT1 & there is no way to have two with the same name.
I have not experienced this on Server 2008 yet, however my Server 2003 Active Directory server does. It turned out to be improperly configured DNS.
I have had no issues whatsoever regarding the retention of my settings (Sidebar/Superfetch/Etc.). I don’t think it is much of an issue, I will be installing SP2 beta today and I will let you know how it goes!
Just worked for me thanks!
EDIT: Used China Proxy port 80
I read that article and I’m sorry but the installation log is a gzipped file and when extracted comes to 11mb in size! I would post something interesting but the only errors I recieve (when searching the file for a text string ‘FATAL’ which returns 0 results) are from text string search ‘ERROR’ where the only result is:
Checking operation result for {7B53463B-283F-44FF-94B2-CAB60DDE3159} Adobe Device Central CS3
[ 2432] Thu Mar 27 08:30:24 2008 ERROR
Skipping operation because required operation failed with code: 2
Setting dependent operation result
[ 2432] Thu Mar 27 08:30:24 2008 DEBUG
Testing operation: 47Which appears throughout the file around four times, and not the magical fourteen times as I wish it would have appeared in total. Unfortunately, Adobe Device Central CS3 is NOT an optional install component otherwise I would attempt install without it. I will continue my search for a solution and will post accordingly once found.
UPDATE: Bad Media or DVD Drive
Using another DVD Reader did the trick.
I’m glad that you are having a better experience than I am with this. I have recently installed a “Windows 2008 Workstation” version of server2k8, it comes in at 706mb prior to installation and 2gb after (probably because of the minimum of roles available on the CD). Anyhow, coupling the “Windows 2008 Workstation” with a corporate copy of Adobe Master Collection CS3 gives the following results in my case:
The components that “will be installed” are the ones that will NOT install under any circumstances, which is suspicious because they are the only ones which include the component necessary for activation services and authentication of the title all together. I have done a repair process twice whereas, if I were to hit ‘install’ on the above image it would proceeed to attempt to install the Shared components then proceeding to attempt the rest. The second time I did a repair process, it additionally installed Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional. But again, I cannot use any of the installed components. This is the message I get trying to run Fireworks CS3:
I will attempt full removal of the suite and reinstall fresh. If that does not work I will can the version of “Windows 2008 Workstation”; which it should not matter much considering all this version has going for it is the unavailability of a number of roles, and desktop experience role turned on automatically. Any thoughts or Idea’s on this one?
UPDATE!: This morning I did an uninstall, reboot, and reinstall… No go again! Here is the results:
Not sure what to do next… I’ll wait and see if anybody here has any ideas then make my move accordingly!
woomis -