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  • p.s. Sorry for writing that message to this (wrong) thread. 🙁
    It has to be converter-related so it should be in this thread.

    Hi ExpertUser and Happy New Year! 😉
    I have a few ideas to say about the converter…
    1. The converter is unpacking its rar file to the directory the converter files are in. It’s a good idea to use %TEMP% instead of this because for example, if you are running the converter from a read-only network location or a CD, it won’t work.
    2. Please include the default_aero_cursors.reg script (in the “Tweaks” section). It sets the Aero cursor theme as a default theme for newly created users, and mainly – in the logon screen.

    in reply to: R2 CONVERTER GUI – v2.1 – 14/08/11 #51527

    Yep, I know about that issue, but still dunno how to fix it. 🙁
    Even if I import all ReadyBoost-related reg. entries from Windows 7, it still doesn’t work.

    in reply to: Your S2008 Screenshots! #47356


    in reply to: R2 CONVERTER GUI – v2.1 – 14/08/11 #51503

    p.s. I just bought a new BDA-compatible DVB TV tuner.
    I’m currently preparing to work on a batch installer for BDA instead of the crappy msi.
    I’ll be also working on porting a Bluetooth 3.0 drivers from Windows 7 SP1 (when the SP1 for Windows 7 will be released).
    So prepare for a new stuff for your R2 CONVERTER GUI! 😉

    in reply to: R2 CONVERTER GUI – v2.1 – 14/08/11 #51502

    @aviv00 wrote:

    3/ Supertfetch is working too ! 😎
    gr8 news 🙂

    Wow, such a *great* news! Very good job!!

    in reply to: Windows Embedded Standard 7 #50879

    @Zilog8 wrote:

    I don’t see it there. Did they take it down?

    Yep. They take it down because of the missing cd-keys.
    They mentioned they’ll add it again soon along with the cd-keys but they didn’t add it yet. 😕

    in reply to: R2 CONVERTER GUI – v2.1 – 14/08/11 #51496

    Again, amazing work ExpertUser! Good job!
    p.s. I see that you have the “Enable SuperFetch Service” included as a tweak in your converter. Does it mean that you got the SuperFetch working on Windows Server 2008 R2?
    p.s.2 Also, you can include the default_aero_cursors.reg tweak (it makes the Aero Cursor scheme the default Windows cursor scheme, for example in logon screen, for newly created accounts, etc).

    in reply to: Just Cause 2 #50772

    @exlomster wrote:

    HI I had the exact same problem with Just Cause 2. I found the fix for it. Just follow these instructions on this link:

    Apparently there is a missing .dll file in the install and this fixes it. Good Luck!

    Yup, this is the workaround for this issue – if you want to play new “Games for Windows – Designed” games and don’t want to install the full Games Explorer, you can just copy (and register) the gameux.dll from Vista (not from 7).

    in reply to: HELLO ALL need some help with installation #51490

    @halladayrules wrote:

    Windows Server 2008 Standard from dreamspark comes only in 32-bit flavor.

    You can download Windows Server 2008 R1 Standard x64 Trial directly from Microsoft and activate it using your DreamSpark key. 😉

    in reply to: IrDA on Win 2008 r2? #51480

    Try to install the Bluetooth stack. It should contain basic parts of the Windows 7 IrDA stack.

    in reply to: W7 PACKS FOR R2 – THE APPLICATION – v.1.1 – 30/08/11 #51405

    @halladayrules wrote:

    Reliability Monitor is already included with the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system. The problem instead is that the task to enable monitoring is disabled.

    You can enable it by doing the following:

    Click on Start > Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler

    Expand Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > RAC

    Right-click on RacTask and choose Properties.
    Go to the Triggers tab.
    Click “One time” trigger and click Edit…
    Place at check box next to enabled below.
    Click OK twice to apply changes.

    It’s possible to export this task via an xml file and upload it via schtasks command-line but every task is mapped to your own personal SID which is different on everyones machine so i am unable to find out if its possible to do this automatically.

    If you have imported my .reg file, you don’t need to enable this Task manually.
    The only thing you need to do is to start the task manually for the first time. From that moment (next time), it will be started automatically… 😉

    in reply to: W7 PACKS FOR R2 – THE APPLICATION – v.1.1 – 30/08/11 #51382

    @ExpertUser wrote:

    Yups !

    It’s in it too.


    N 😉

    And my Bluetooth? ^^

    in reply to: W7 PACKS FOR R2 – THE APPLICATION – v.1.1 – 30/08/11 #51391

    p.s. It would be a nice idea to add some “desktop tuning” features just like the Server 2008 R1 Converter have.

    in reply to: W7 PACKS FOR R2 – THE APPLICATION – v.1.1 – 30/08/11 #51389

    @ExpertUser wrote:

    Hi Ascii !

    We fixed the new Dmusic pack, I’ll test it over the weekend.

    In what concerns Games Explorer, I spoke with Fibonacci and Secr9tos and if I understood right, in batch file, they set Games Explorer to work on all profiles. Indeed when you reboot you do not have Games in Start Menu automatically added but it can be added manually through Properties.

    We wanted to make it work on all profiles directly without using 2 seperate batches therefor we made it this way. I do not have extra information on it, but if does not comply with your initial work, I’ll be happy to get you in touhc with secr9tos for the technical part of all this.

    Please let me know Ascii. 😉 😉 😉 😉



    I found out that the second batch file is needed only on user accounts that were created before the Games Explorer was installed.
    It works well on all newly created accounts – just like in Windows 7. So I edited the installer, deleted the second batch file and added it to a separate zip file as an “optional bugfix”.

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