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  • in reply to: HomeGroup #49600

    Well, I made some progress…
    Here’s my installer for Home Group feature.
    All files seems to be correctly copied from Win 7, but it doesn’t work… 😕

    in reply to: Games list compatibility #48896

    Game: DiRT2
    Compatible?: Yes
    Issues: None

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48770

    @AsciiWolf wrote:

    Well, I finally uploaded it!

    File: BTW_6.2.1.0100_2k8r2.7z (29,7MB)
    Description: Official Broadcom drivers patched to support Windows Server 2008 R2.
    SHA1: 3d91d1b27116c4a258dab0bfa91de82166063515
    MD5: 54780e68128c738673749625855c0a03
    Download: 4shared.
    Note: You must have MS Bluetooth stack (from this thread) installed before installing these drivers!

    Just unpack it using 7zip and follow the instructions in Readme.txt.
    Enjoy! 😉

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48769

    Damn, that’s really strange problem, because I have the same this USB Bluetooth adapter too (and works out-of-box on my system – it has Broadcom chip)! 😕
    Try to completely remove Bluesoil stack – manually remove its drivers from Device Manager, then uninstall Bluesoil and then remove all remaining registry entries with CCleaner or similiar software. Then run my installer.
    If this don’t help, you will probably need to do system reinstall – looks like Bluesoil bricked something in your system… 🙁
    ps. Generic Driver is fine for your BTH device, because it has Broadcom chip (which is well supported by MS Generic driver)
    ps2. Your english is fine, mine is worse… 😉

    in reply to: Games list compatibility #48894

    Game: FlatOut Ultimate Carnage
    Compatible?: Yes
    Issues: None (but you must install Games Explorer using my installer)

    Game: WolfQuest: Survival of the Pack
    Compatible?: Yes
    Issues: None

    in reply to: SuperFetch #49389

    Well, I also found out that you probably must edit (create) “LowerFilters” Multi string in “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{71A27CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}” and add “rdyboost” into it to make ReadyBoost working.
    But when I do it, it bricks my system – BSOD at Windows boot screen. 🙁

    in reply to: SuperFetch #49388

    @Remiel wrote:

    Some registry entries are missing in your RAR and also, you don’t need to copy Database files from Windows 7 Prefetch folder, because they are created automatically…
    Also winsxs files (and registry entries) are not necessary…

    Note: I found out that you must install “Windows Search” service (Add Roles/File Services/Windows Search) to make Superfetch work correctly…

    Also, as said in the previous post, after installing files from file attached to this post, you must add “sysmain” to “LocalSystemNetworkRestricted” Multi-SZ string in “HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionSvchost”.

    in reply to: Games Explorer #48645

    @deltatux wrote:

    Hm, that’s really strange problem…
    Can you please tell me names of all games which you have installed?
    edit: You can add games manually by moving its shortcut icons to Games Explorer window.

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48767

    @Blueski wrote:

    I patched official Broadcom drivers (which also contains drivers for bth headset) and everything works for me now.
    But it has 30MB, so I didn’t upload it yet. Stay tuned…
    edit: But it only work if your bth headset has broadcom chip!

    in reply to: Games Explorer #48643

    @deltatux wrote:

    So after installing the Games Explorer, I don’t see any of my games. Do I need to add it manually? If so, how do I do so manually. If not, why is my screen blank atm?


    No, you don’t need to add games manually anymore… Did you use my latest installer?

    in reply to: SuperFetch #49385

    @JonusC wrote:

    AsciiWolf and GnatGoSplat – could you guys release your work so far (4shared link is dead) so I can make sure all our work is inclusive 🙂

    Sorry, I don’t have my installer anymore… I got new HDD and forgot to back-up some data including my Superfetch installer… 🙁

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48765

    Well, I uploaded a new version of my Bluetooth stack installer!
    It now has full support for Bluetooth PAN (which was bugged in previous release) and also support for some special features like bluetooth keyboard/mouse remote control, etc…

    in reply to: Games Explorer #48641

    Well, I (again) uploaded a new version of my installer. It has some small bugfixes…
    This is probably the final version of my Games Explorer installer!

    in reply to: Games Explorer #48639

    Sorry, but I can’t help you because I don’t know. 🙁
    I’m working only on Games Explorer feature, not Windows 7 games…

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48764

    Yep, mobile phones (except Windows Mobile ones) are partially supported.
    That’s because I have only Windows Mobile phone so I can’t test some special (for example Sony Ericsson – Keyboard and Mouse control over Bluetooth) features…

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