World of Warcraft Cataclysm – lower fps

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2012 R2 Games Compatibility World of Warcraft Cataclysm – lower fps

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    • #44747

      Since im running WS2k12R2 i got about 10 fps lower (15 when lots of things happen) than im running win7x64.

      I have installed the newest nvidia drivers (i choose win 8.1 x64), changed power plan to high performance, changed performance to programs instead of background services. What else can i do?

      My Graphic card: Nvidia GeForce 9600GT

    • #61027

        follow step by step the process to make it a workstation and make sure the graphics driver is the latest one compatible with Windows 8.1, because Windows Server 2012 R2 is based on the same kernel of Windows 8.1

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