troubles installing dotnetfx3 on 2008 server

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 Miscellaneous troubles installing dotnetfx3 on 2008 server

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    • #43566

      I tried to install the .net framework 3 using administrative tools/Server Manager/Features/add features and then clicking on .Net framework 3.0 button.

      all I get is a box called dw20.exe – Application Error
      sayng: the instruction at 0xf45eecd2 referenced memory at 0x00000000.Thr memory could not be read. Click ok to terminate the program..

      then i Click OK

      Another error window pops up sayng:
      mmc.exe- application error
      Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.
      Process ID=0x3cc(972), Thread Id=0x894 (2196).
      Click Ok to terminate the application
      Click Cancel to debug the application

    • #47997

      Something is wrong with your Windows install, or you have bad hardware. Sorry, but we wont be able to help very much….

      Only thing i can suggest is to reinstall a fresh Server 2008, and try install .NET 3.0 STRAIGHT AFTER installing. If it still has the error, either your computer is damaged, or you need to go buy a legal/legitimate/non-hacked version of Server 2008.

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