mouse usb rate 1000hz

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    • #43102


      i notice that there a file to make the rate up to 1000hz and tired it

      but didnt success to work it well

      anyone could help ?

    • #46242

        Have you tried to replace usbport.sys with a patched Vista version? Try the patched files from the forums.

      • #46243

        yea i test the 1000hz
        but got yellow icon in device manger

      • #46244

          Probably the usbport.sys from Windows Vista is different from the Windows Server 2008 version. Maybe you can see differences in the disassembled code of the original usbport.sys and the patched usbport.sys using for example ExamDiff Pro and apply the changes in the Server 2008 version of usbport.sys. To do this you have to find similarities in the different disassembled files so I think it’s quite time consuming… Of course you can also wait till someone else uploaded a patched version! 🙂

        • #46245


          i tried to hack the usbport.sys from my win2k08 like this tutorial from Win XP ( but its quite the same for Vista and Vista SP1 ):

          1. Locate usbport.sys in %SystemRoot%System32Drivers
          2. Take a backup of the file, save it like usbport.BAK for instance.
          3. Hexedit the file, locate this sequence of hex values: “3C 08 73 09 C6 86 0A 01”, look in FAQ
          if you can’t find it.
          (You can google for one, a lot of free hexeditors on the net. I used Hex Workshop 4.0)
          4. It’s found at different offsets depending on what usbport.sys version you got. non-SP/SP1/SP2
          5. Replace that string with this one: “B0 04 73 09 52 8A 0A 01”
          6. Save&reboot
          7. Go into safemode (this is to avoid WFP), replace the patched usbport.sys in both
          %SystemRoot%System32Drivers AND %SystemRoot%System32dllcache (hidden folder)
          8. Reboot, and it should all work fine.
          9. Back in WinXP, check samplerate, and you SHOULD notice the change. For the ones with total
          blindness for such things; you will notice that sensitivity feels LOWER.
          Other things: Better responsetime/less jitter/mouselag/whine from you.

          If you do find “3C 08 73 09 C6 86 02 01” instead, then your patches will also have to change for 250hz and 500hz. The correct ones will then be: “B0 04 73 09 52 8A 02 01” for 250hz, and “B0 02 73 09 52 8C 02 01” for 500hz.

          Hope it works… the Hexcode in the file is a little different…


        • #46246

          Doesnt work….

        • #46247

          Can anyone try this? I can only rate the mouse down, but i have never testet it with XP


        • #46248

          Luckily for G9 mouse users, you can dual boot vista 64 bit, set the usb rate to any value you wish, and save the value onto the onboard memory stick of the mouse. It can then carry over the saved options to anywhere else.

        • #46250

          i tried so many methods…. nothing worked here. 😥 not with test mode + signed usbport.sys. At best my usb-hid icon goes yellow, or my mouse stops working.

          i really like the server 2008 64bit so far, but this is the only thing that keeps me away from using this os as my first os.
          think i have to wait till some smartguy found a working hack for server 2008 x64 or i have to buy a g9 or something 😐
          srry for my bad english.

          hello and great forum btw !!!


        • #46249

          usbport of vista and server are the same and working

          just need to boot with f8 disable driver enforce

          with windows server 7 it works too

          but system crash after plug in usb drive

        • #46251

          it works now , my fault was that i have verified the usbport.sys instead the hub inf 🙄

        • #46252

          i have verified the usbport.sys instead the hub inf

          how u do that ?
          pls tell me 🙂

        • #46253

          ive tried this method:
          and i mean the hidusb not the hub -.- kinda late night typo =(
          1. Download Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider (attached below).
          2. Download HIDUSBF (attached below).
          3. Run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider and choose Enable Test Mode.
          4. Extract HIDUSBF to some folder, right click on HIDUSBF.inf and choose Install.
          5. Run Setup.exe from HIDUSBF’s folder, check the Filter on Device box and select your desired sample rate.
          6. Run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider again, choose Sign a System file and insert full path to the installed HIDUSBF.sys file (Usually C:WindowsSystem32DriversHIDUSBF.sys).
          7. Restart your computer and enjoy.
          8. Verify by using Mouse Rate or DirectInput Mouse Rate (attached below)

          and at step 6, ive overrided the usbport.sys signature instead the hidusbf^^ shame on me.

          this method works here on sp 2 beta also !

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