I wanna go fast: HTTPS’ massive speed advantage

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        “I tweeted this the other day, and the internet was not pleased:

        HTTPS is slow. No – wait – is it HTTP that’s slow?! https://t.co/T49GG7oCaK pic.twitter.com/cfnYOpXMWc
        — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) July 8, 2016

        In fact, a bunch of the internet was pretty upset. “It’s not fair!”, they cried.
        “You’re comparing apples and oranges!”, they raged.

        No, it’s not fair, the internet is not fair.
        But that’s just how the web is today and whilst you might not like that it’s not fair, that’s the ballgame we’re playing. When it comes to performance tests, I don’t care about “fair”, I only care about one thing:

        Let’s take just a moment to put how fast into context.
        Here’s the test from the tweet above over HTTP:

        HTTP: 5.905 s
        HTTPS: 1.208 s

        80% faster then HTTP !

        Whoa !
        This is awesome !
        Job done, HTTPS is fast and HTTP is crap, nothing more to see here.
        Well, almost, let’s address the “It’s not fair” whingers.
        The HTTPS test is faster because it uses HTTP/2 whist the HTTP test only uses HTTP/1.1.

        Full story: https://www.troyhunt.com/i-wanna-go-fast-https-massive-speed-advantage

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