How to get CTRL+ALT+DEL to open directly the task manager?

Forums General General Discussion How to get CTRL+ALT+DEL to open directly the task manager?

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    • #43157

      Does anyone have idea on how to do this? I asked alot of people, searched in gpedit.msc but still cant find anything…The closer option in gpedit.msc allows to remove items from the C-A-D menu but this is not enough.. atleast for me 🙂

    • #46493

        I don’t know an other way than to use CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, so I guess you have to get used to that key combination… 😮

      • #46494

        I was afraid you are going to say that 😀 I know that key combination, but i dont like to move my hand across the entire keyboard just to open the task manager 😛
        Im still looking for solution, but until then i found sort of workaround.
        If anyone is interested, here is how to do it:
        1. Right click on the desktop, select new > shortcut
        2. type taskmgr in the bar, choose some name and press finish.
        3. move the shortcut somewhere (my documents for example)
        4. Go to the properties window of the shortcut
        5. Assign your own shortcut key to open task manager by pressing the key combination you want in the “Shortcut key:” bar:

        In my case i use CTRL+ALT+NUM0 because its very close to CTRL+ALT+DEL 🙂

      • #46495

          Haha, am I so predictable? 😉 The workaround you got there is a nice one, and I think it won’t be possible to have ctrl+alt+del attached to the Task Manager. If you search the internet for ctrl alt del task manager vista, you see tips everywhere to use ctrl+shift+esc. :geek:

        • #46496

          Yeah for some reason everyone is willing to give up on the good old c-a-d 😀
          Unfortunately the shortcut way is a little buggy and sometimes the key combination doesn’t work so i used hotkeycontrol to do it.Unfortunately its not free, but if you don’t want to pay you can try HotKeyBind – looks like its good free alternative.

        • #46497

          i know this is an old thread, but why not go to windowssystem32 find taskmgr.exe right click create shortcut, then put into quick launch or on the desktop?

        • #46498

          ^^ Because sometimes you need to open the taskmanager becasue explorer or some other program has locked up and you need to restart it.

          Having a link alone would not be sufficient in that case.
          I personally find ctrl-shift-esc easier as I can use one hand or I set a hotkey through my shell or setup an image hijack to open it with one button. Usually some key that never gets used like the right windows key.

        • #46499

          I use Hotkey Helper for that sawo – it’s 100% Freeware and the shortcut keys work even in games and stuff. You can bind EXE’s/Programs to any hotkey, as well as some windows functions.

          Try it out at

          There is one thing to note however – it has not been updated for Vista. You must run the program in Compatibility > Disable visual themes and everything is OK! 😉

          P.S. Yet another piece of great software i’ve used for years, and the company doesn’t exist anymore… *sigh*

        • #46500

          why couldn’t they just leave it at ctl+alt+del??? is it “hip” to change the tried-n-true or what? pepsi did the same thing with thier horrid logo and some person I saw at a store thought it was fake pepsi LOLz.

        • #46501

          @RemixedCat wrote:

          why couldn’t they just leave it at ctl+alt+del??? is it “hip” to change the tried-n-true or what? pepsi did the same thing with thier horrid logo and some person I saw at a store thought it was fake pepsi LOLz.

          Task Manager straight from CTRL+ALT+DEL is a bit of a security flaw. When that “options screen” comes up from the combo (the one with Lock, Log Off, Task Manager, Change Password, you know the normal one we’re talking about) Windows Vista and later are put into what’s known as a “secure desktop” userspace, which prevents malware, such as those as simple as an AutoIt script to emulate keystrokes (which are NOT detected by ANY security software) from killing a task in Taskman; because in the secure dekstop mode all interactive processes are only applied to what’s “running in the background” – rather than the secure desktop prompt itself (which is the options list on the logon screen).

          The UAC prompts, where the background and everything else turns darker, is another example of this ‘secure desktop’ mode. When it’s triggered, it’s near impossible for traditional software to send commands to whatever is “in front” of the secure desktop -the UAC prompt, or in this case, the Logon Screen options.

          Windows Vista is still unhackable, and all the ‘elite’ Windows cracking teams use it to develop their cracks for (Paradox, Fairlight, Razor1911, and so on) because it just beats the %@*# outa XP for local and remote security.

          EDIT: To sum it up, sometimes a crappy change to these tried-and-true methods is all that’s needed to prevent a complete generation of malicious software. I welcome the change, have adapted to it, and think its for the best.

          P.S. Tried to fix a clients computer who was running XP the other day, man it took me AGES. I’m like.. “Where’s the… oh, thats only in Vista… CRAP! How do I do this again…”

        • #46502

            @JonusC wrote:

            P.S. Tried to fix a clients computer who was running XP the other day, man it took me AGES. I’m like.. “Where’s the… oh, thats only in Vista… CRAP! How do I do this again…”

            Haha, I don’t have this problem (yet) while I’m still running Windows XP on my laptop. 😛 A solution is to do everything via Start -> Run ( RunDll commands) or via the Command-line (Microsoft Technet: Command-line reference A-Z) 😉

          • #46503

            Ah yeah, its good still that the CMD.EXE commands are still pretty much the same, and the MMC snapins are still similar… i’ve just adapted to all the newer features of Vista (and now 7) so quickly that it’s pushing out all those things from XP I knew how to do without even sitting at a computer… ah well, XP will be dead soon… maybe… 😆

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