Edge engine on Internet Explorer interface

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    • #45054

        As Windows Server 2016 RTM was launched, it is clear Microsoft followed the path of Windows 10 Enterprise ltsb, with not sandbox (Metro), apps, no Windows Store, no Edge browser. Internet Explorer since version 4 to version 11 uses the Trident engine, found in the file mshtml.dll . Edge uses to engine Edgehtml, found in the file edgehtml.dll . For what I see, both of them seem to be located in System32, in Windows 10. Edgehtml.dll exists in WS 2016 RTM, probably because some software components use it. There use be ways of enabling it in Internet Explorer up to the such called November update of Windows 10. I have found that someone found a solution on Super User community, through symlinks. I am not experienced with these things at all, I have tried the solution there, but I failed, got lost in the process. Perhaps someone here will find a way to apply the solution there or find another one to make Edgehtml be the engine used by Internet Explorer, not Trident.


      • #61252

          After some struggle, manage to symlink in System32 mshtml.dll with edgehtml.dll . Test pages showed that it is still mshtml,dll . Deleted the symlink and restored mshtml.dll. Tested the versions of both edgehtml.dll and mshtml.dll and discovered it is the same: 11. So, edgehtml,dll on WS 2016 is a phantom dll, it is actually mshtml.dll renamed, maybe this is why no matter what, all attempts by various people to enable Edge engine in IE after November update: it is completely absent. If someone tests Windows 10 Enterprise ltsb, if edgehtml.dll there is really edgehtml.dll , I would be really interested in the answer.

        • #61253

            I am using Windows LTSB (Chinese). I think my edgehtml.dll is the real Edge renderer although the version number is 11.00.14393.321. I installed Edge from MyDigitalLife and it has better HTML5 scores than IE11 on the same system, without changing this edgehtml.dll.

            I think you linked the DLLs in System32, which is not used by 32bit IE. If I link mshtml.dll to edgehtml.dll in SysWOW64, IE will crash.

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