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  • in reply to: Security Software #49218

    Hello, I got MS Security Essentials working on Server 2008 R2 using this howto!

    1. Follow my original article up to (and including) the point where you copy the unpacked setup files.
    2. Download and install Microsoft Debugging Tools for Windows. Choose the version of debugging tools matching your operating system version.
    3. Find WinDbg in the start menu and launch it elevated.
    4. In the WinDbg menu choose File -> Open Executable and open the unpacked Setup.exe. Say no to the question about saving workspace.
    5. A new window will show up. There will be a box for entering commands at the bottom of the new window. This is the command line.
    6. Write this into the command line and hit enter: bp ntdll!RtlGetNtProductType “as /x ReturnValue rcx; gu; ed ReturnValue 1; g”. This will set up a breakpoint that will modify the return value of RtlGetNtProductType (anyone has a clean way of doing this for 32bit Windows?)
    7. Write g on the command line and hit enter to resume the installer.
    8. The installer will start – focus it’s window and click Next.
    9. Go back to WinDbg. Hit Ctrl-Break. Type the command bc * to remove the breakpoint and after that g to resume the setup. Finish installing. Done.


    in reply to: Windows System Assessment Tool (WinSAT) #49619

    You can use this WinSAT-like app.
    It works perfect, the only problem is that the free version of this app is limited to 32bit only (there are both 64bit and 32bit versions of this app in the installer, but 64bit doesn’t work in free version) and 1 CPU core.

    I know, this is a workaround, not solution…

    in reply to: Reliability Monitor #50244

    Yep, this feature is buggy…
    Hope that this bugs will be fixed in SP1. πŸ™„

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48753

    Jeste je tam stale par neprijemnych bugu. πŸ˜•

    Thanks, I’m glad that my work is helping this great community! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48751

    I got it finally working!
    It still has some bugs like bugged PAN support or impossibility to remove COM ports after adding them in BT Settings, but almost all main features works great.

    in reply to: Which better for games R2 or seven #50150

    @JingoFresh wrote:

    When R2 is setup to be a desktop OS, there is no difference in gaming performance between 7.

    Well, some games (e.g. Bioshock) still have problems running on Server 2008 R2 because some parts of Games Explorer are still not fully ported (don’t work), etc…
    Well, I’m working on it and hope I’ll find solution for this problem soon…

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48745

    @Paul wrote:

    @AsciiWolf wrote:

    AsciiWolf, there’s license.dat file, probably contains device list ehich is allowed to use.
    Try to find broadcom license patcher and add your device to list.

    Well, I patched license.dat file. Now I’m getting “Your Bluetooth Software license does not include use on this operating system. [-350]” error. πŸ™
    I have “usb bluetooth 2.0 edr” by i-Tec.

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48744

    @SamPotts wrote:

    Edit: I am very close – I get a notification saying a device wants to connect but I can’t connect it – I search and nothing.

    Yep, that’s the same progress, I made. πŸ™

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48742

    @SamPotts wrote:

    Apply this regfile.

    in reply to: SuperFetch #49375

    Windows 7:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementPrefetchParameters]

    Windows Server 2008 R2:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementPrefetchParameters]

    As you can see, the EnableSuperfetch EnablePrefetcher and EnableBootTrace strings doesn’t exist in Windows Server 2008 R2.

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48738

    @Paul wrote:

    It doesn’t work on my hardware (usb dongle with bcm92045b3 chip).
    After installing it and manually installing Broadcom drivers from the installer’s folder (the installed doesn’t installed it), it worked for +-5 seconds, then it showed me a message like this: “Your device is not licensed for use with this software.” and stopped working. πŸ™

    in reply to: Windows XP Mode #49049

    Well, I tried it. It works great, but not everything is great…
    It’s based on VirtualBox, but it use incompatible (modified) drivers, which broke regular VirtualBox drivers. So, if I install “VMLite Workstation”, I can’t use VirtualBox any more. πŸ™
    btw. Also don’t know, if this app is legal to use.

    in reply to: Windows XP Mode #49048

    @servernewbie wrote:

    Wow, nice!
    It’s based on VirtualBox but it has all the seamless stuff, original XPMode have!
    ps. If you don’t need the seamless integration, you can also (probably) use old MS Virtual PC or regular VMware/VirtualBox, if you convert the image to its format.

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48731

    @n0ri wrote:

    As I said, this is only for testing, it’s bugged!

    in reply to: Bluetooth #48728

    @jurafxp wrote:

    @AsciiWolf wrote:

    I also add this line to registry:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftFunction DiscoveryCategoriesProviderMicrosoft.Devices.Bluetooth]

    after restart, “Devices and Printers” again with icons πŸ™‚

    Ok, I made a new installer with this fix (it’s still not working properly, so use it only for testing).

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