SAS 9 cannot run in win2008 64bit

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 Applications Compatibility SAS 9 cannot run in win2008 64bit

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    • #43396

      I can install SAS 9.0 in win2008 64bit, however, when I click the icon of the application, nothing shows up.

      I’ve already tried winxp sp2 compatibility mode but with no luck.

    • #47397

      do you have any event entries for application or system that might be relational ? does the process still run after it appears to do nothing ? Any other relevant details you can think that might help with it. From what I know about SAS (not much) is it can require an odbc driver which you can get from their site.

    • #47398

      I tried downloading and installing SAS odbc driver, and I also tried upgrading java (which is needed by SAS), but the problem persists.

      I checked the windows event viewer, under “Application”, I can see several entries of the following kind:

      SAS Error Event: SAS is exiting through vaterm() with this exit code: 57 

      SAS Error Event: SAS is exiting through vaterm() with this exit code: 2 

      Thank you for your help.

    • #47399

        If you look at the SAS Support website, you see that SAS v9.1.3 adds support to some 32bit versions of Windows Vista. You can try if that version works and otherwise you have to run it in a Virtual machine or have a dual boot until they support Windows Vista 64bit (and so probably support Server 2008 64bit too).

      • #47400

        I tried SAS 9.1.3 today. The setup.exe says “This is an application for 32bit systems and cannot be run on 64bit systems.” and then exits.

        I hope there is a way to get around the 32bit/64bit checking. If other 32bit software can run on 64bit system, I don’t know why SAS cannot.

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