0-day Vulnerability in Microsoft Graphics Component !

Forums General General Discussion Windows Security 0-day Vulnerability in Microsoft Graphics Component !

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    • #44734

        Hi !

        “Microsoft Security Advisory (2896666)
        Vulnerability in Microsoft Graphics Component Could Allow Remote Code Execution

        Published: Tuesday, November 05, 2013

        Microsoft is investigating private reports of a vulnerability in the Microsoft Graphics component that affects Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Lync. Microsoft is aware of targeted attacks that attempt to exploit this vulnerability in Microsoft Office products.

        The vulnerability is a remote code execution vulnerability that exists in the way affected components handle specially crafted TIFF images.

        A temporary and easy fix is a simple reg-hack, which took 1 minute….
        But then you can´t view any TIFF-images….

        A better solution is to install EMET:
        “Deploy the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit

        The Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) helps mitigate the exploitation of this vulnerability by adding additional protection layers that make the vulnerability harder to exploit. EMET 4.0 is officially supported by Microsoft. At this time, EMET is only available in the English language. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 2458544.”

        “EMET 4.0, in the recommended configuration, is automatically configured to help protect the affected software installed on your system. No additional steps are required.”

        More info: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/advisory/2896666

      • #60981

          Hi !

          More info from Microsoft:

          “We’ve seen some confusion due to the shared nature of the GDI+ component, which is where the issue resides.
          There are three ways you can have the GDI+ component installed on your system: Office, Windows, and Lync.

          For Office:
          Office 2003 and Office 2007 are affected regardless of the installed operating system.
          Currently, we are only aware of targeted attacks against Office 2007 users.
          Office 2010 is affected only if installed on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.
          Office 2010 is not affected when installed on Windows Vista or newer systems.
          Office 2013 is not affected, regardless of OS platform.

          For Windows:
          Supported versions of Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 ship with the affected component but are not known to be under active attack.
          Other versions of Windows are not directly impacted.
          Customers who use these systems are only impacted if they have an affected version of Office or Lync.

          For Lync clients:
          All supported versions of Lync client are affected but are not known to be under active attack.

          Again, we’re only aware of targeted attacks against Office 2007.
          In those attacks, Windows XP was the operating system seen in use.


        • #60982

            And this 0-day will NOT be fixed tomorrow on “Patch tuesday”.

            “While this release won’t include an update for the issue first described in Security Advisory 2896666,….”

            So if you haven´t already done it, it´s time to do something about it.

            A temporary and easy fix is a simple reg-hack, which took 1 minute….
            But then you can´t view any TIFF-images….

            A better solution is to install EMET:
            “Deploy the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit”

            See my first post above.

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