Windows Server 2016 Fall Creators Update

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    • #45104

        First preview for Windows Server 2016 Fall Creators Update
        This seems to be, at least at preview level, an all-server core release. If the final launch will be so, we will need much more work to do. I just hope audio will be present. If you have time, you can download and try it, then let us know how it worked.
        For now, you can try to substitute the GUI with this
        Update: Found more official Microsoft documentation on this
        This seems like really bad news for what we are doing here for almost ten years. If Desktop Experience and Server with a GUI will be removed, leaving only Server Core and Nano Server, converting WS to a workstation will be between difficult and impossible. Probably still achievable, but too hard to keep a steady interest. Already things slow down in here, lately. 🙁

      • #61308

          @Lotusisrael wrote:

          This seems like really bad news for what we are doing here for almost ten years. If Desktop Experience and Server with a GUI will be removed, leaving only Server Core and Nano Server, converting WS to a workstation will be between difficult and impossible. Probably still achievable, but too hard to keep a steady interest. Already things slow down in here, lately. 🙁

          Well, I wouldn’t assume the worst yet; Windows Server is already rolled out into so many enterprises in so many roles that it’s difficult to imagine Microsoft giving up on it being able to run the full UI as well — though obviously not out of the question. If that happens the current edition of Server 2016 is certainly well behaved enough and compatible enough to satisfy most serious production Workstation roles, or serious performance seekers for a very long time…

          However it does seem the Windows Server As A Workstation niche has not gone unnoticed by Microsoft with their announcement of Windows 10 Pro for Workstations, which may time exactly with a move to a stricter Core and Nano only Sever products. If this is the case I’m hopeful that the Workstation product will be something along the lines of what we’ve all been able to do here, and can be stripped down much like their Embedded Windows products — but considering the direction of Windows 10 I’m not very optimistic on that front.

          Hopefully some here will get on board when this goes live and we can all participate, hack, test and comment on what Microsoft is working on as they bring it up to speed… In the mean time it’s hard to imagine a Microsoft OS that surpasses what we have now with 2012 R2 or 2016 setup and stripped for a Workstation.

          I don’t think the slowdown here is from lack of interest; I think such a good job of documenting and supporting the WSTW here has been done, and the Microsoft Server OS is so well behaved once setup, with so few issues compared to the Consumer OS, there just isn’t the volume of issues that need attention. As well most pursuing this are very practical in their needs and aren’t trying to do something bizarre, that would break the OS.

          Lastly someone did a really handsome job of updating the Server to Workstation web pages; they look great and are very nicely organized, but no mention of or link to these forums is on several of the pages like the newest Server 2016 page, or the new portal page that should have a big fat link to the forums, and on the pages that do link buried, and no mention of what a fantastic resource they are is made anywhere — which might also account for lower forum post volume… :geek:

        • #61309

            I have allready stating looking for solutions. Only WS 2016 is listed to have a GUI, the next version of WS LTSB will lack a GUI, most likely. But, until then, we can try a solution on this short time support editions (18 months), like WS 1709 (Windows Server 10 Fall Creators Update), to get ready for the next LTSB. Converting a server core installation to a workstation is even more satisfing then a GUI one.
            I am looking for solutions for some time. To replace the GUI, there is the Cory Allen gui for server, allready discussed on this board, or to place the ReactOS Shell on top WS server core. Thoose from the ReactOS boards were quite hostile to my ideas, but I think we can use some of the components of the open source ReactOS to replace the lack of Windows shell, perhaps even audio. I hope there are some people on this board able to port the components into WS server core.
            Who knows, if we succeed, something really great can emerge, for the use even of others. On open source layer on top of the freeware Hyper-V Server could mean freeware Windows for everybody.

          • #61310

              It was launched officially.

            • #61311

                @Lotusisrael wrote:

                First preview for Windows Server 2016 Fall Creators Update
                This seems to be, at least at preview level, an all-server core release. If the final launch will be so, we will need much more work to do. I just hope audio will be present. yahoo mail login If you have time, you can download and try it, then let us know how it worked.
                For now, you can try to substitute the GUI with this
                Update: Found more official Microsoft documentation on this
                This seems like really bad news for what we are doing here for almost ten years. If Desktop Experience and Server with a GUI will be removed, leaving only Server Core and Nano Server, converting WS to a workstation will be between difficult and impossible. Probably still achievable, but too hard to keep a steady interest. Already things slow down in here, lately. 🙁

                Only WS 2016 is listed to have a GUI, the next version of WS LTSB will lack a GUI, most likely

              • #61312

                  A preview for WS 2019 is available, I have posted about it. Installed it. It is small chance that the RTM of WS 2019 to lack a gui, but unlikely, since the preview has it.

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