Has anyone had success with Bluetooth on a MacBook Pro?
I’ve tried various approach described on this forum. The closest I came was w/ the Broadcom/MS Stack workaround by AsciiWolf.
I tried the procedure (BT on MBP running WS 2008) listed here: http://harbar.net/archive/2008/06/13/Enabling-Bluetooth-on-MacBook-Pro-and-Windows-Server-2008-x64.aspx
In short the procedure describe at the link about is a combination of the technique that modifies 20+ inf file by changing ….NTamd64…1 to …NTamd64…3, used with a simple manual update of the Unknown Device (right click Unknown Device…Update driver…Browse my computer…Let me pick from a list…Select device…and so on). According to the post & my cursory check of my HD, the Apple BT drivers are install just not registered (?).
I have attached the 3 different version of the Apple BT inf file; obviously I want to use the latest version but I posted all 3 for comparison purposes.
An advise would be appreciated.
Great work to all involved. I’ve got SR working perfectly, with one exception: I only see 1 restore point at any given time, even if I select Show Me More Restore Point.
I have allocate 3% of my HD (2.8 GB) to SR, of which ~600 MB is being used.
I create an initial manual restore point after a clean install of R2 SP1 yesterday (2011.07.07) & the remainder of the ~600 MB is from automatic restore points resulting from Automatic Update that were installed to bring the install up to date.
It almost looks like SR has created multiple restore point, but is only displaying the last one in the list of available restore points.