Forum Replies Created
Ya, 200mb is way too large…
The x86 CP only has speech, java, etc. Nothing to do with configuring your machine, and can be annoying if you can’t get to the normal x64 CP.
I just installed 182.08 from [tweakforce = no Physx drivers package] and NO ISSUES in WS2008.
Can it be that the 8.10 physx drivers are causing this behavior on g92 cards?
I have Physx 8.9.4 installed [from 178.24: last known WORKING nvidia drivers for G92 8800 owners], and as soon as I install 8.10 I get the BSoDs/hardlocks/corruption again…. I think I may have found the issue with 18x.xx and G92 88’s!
Tweakforce drivers : without Physx driver packages –
Games that fail consistently under 182.06/08 WITH Physx version 8.10 are:
– DiRT
– BioshockThese games run flawlessly WITHOUT physx drivers 8.10 [Included in official 182.xx drivers], by instead using 8.9.4 from the 178.24 drivers.
Do you have the Audio service enabled?
If you don’t you will see the sound devices, but won’t be able to use them.
Check this out :
Those should work for you.
“Great, that works. I got WinSAT and the control panel applet running. But, yea the control panel does not read the score from the XML file.”
Question: Since the control panel applet ‘works’ somewhat, has anyone tried looking at the difference between control.exe for vista and ws2k8?
What board? What GPU?
SLi working just fine here.
OK. That makes sense.
I have never worked with superfetch before, so I didn’t know what to expect.Thanks for clearing that up for me.
No. you got me wrong. I don’t have a dreamspark key. I have the key that came with my retail disk…
The retail key/mak that came with the disk refused to work. I had to bug MS for nearly 2 weeks for them to activate my dam server.
21st February 2009 at 20:17 in reply to: How to get CTRL+ALT+DEL to open directly the task manager? #46498^^ Because sometimes you need to open the taskmanager becasue explorer or some other program has locked up and you need to restart it.
Having a link alone would not be sufficient in that case.
I personally find ctrl-shift-esc easier as I can use one hand or I set a hotkey through my shell or setup an image hijack to open it with one button. Usually some key that never gets used like the right windows key.Excuse the shot quality [blame teh dialup] lol
For those who may not know. The shell is blackbox for windows. BB4WIN distros
The Explorer shell has been banned from my system since 2004.[attachment=0:8gjtgl0s]Untitled.gif[/attachment:8gjtgl0s]
Pretty much confirmed my suspicions.
Mainly, my problem is that it won’t activate at all…
I have called MS about this and all they say is to buy a new license… Like I am going to spend -another- 1200$ for a single license.
I tried online activation, it tells me the DNS does not exist.
Over the phone it tells me I that my key is invalid… yet I installed fine and it even selected the correct version from the disk.I am at my wits end here. I either need another license or a genuine bypass so I can use the OS that I purchased at work when I decide to move from 2k3 to 2k8.
I am p!553d that I may have wasted 1200$ for something I could have torrented.Other than my activation problems I have found it more than capable.
Yes, you are right that the system will require activation again if it feels the system has changed since last registration.
For this reason MS gives you a 3 day grace period where you can update your drivers and get everything working before you should activate.
All games installed with gameux from converter tool 1.2
FreeSpace: The Great War / FreeSpace 2 : works
– Refuses to run with memory requirement error if more than 2GB RAM installed.
– If more than 2GB RAM run in win98se/me compatibility mode.
Tribes: Vengence : works
– Run as admin even if on admin account.
C&C: Renegade : works
– Install in XP SP2 compatibility mode.Colin McRae DiRT : works
Frontlines: Fuel of War : works
… more to come …@ Hoak
Take a look at this LINK
Not exactly what you are looking for, but it explains in more detail how to use the domain login in WS2K8.
It also explains that GINA [the old GUI login for 2003] is not used anymore. One of the reasons the 2003 login can not be applied.
Any more progress on this?
Or should I just stay with my mythbox… lol