yeah that would be nice!
I have come to espect ” This installer is not for your operating system”
This is on one of the MAYOR reasons server 2008 NEVER could catch on and
be popular among normal people only to the wizard/geek segment.
Server 2008 as a workstation is too complicated to set up, you need imagining expertize just to make it workable.
There is quite a few hardwarerelated driverproblems.
I have come to expect “this software is not for your operating system”
On the plus side ; this is hard and difficult and as such only the really knowledgable really stick to it.
This forum SHOULD have little activitiy, but the activity it get is always worth reading.
Worked for me on my DELL E4300. Nice tip, thanks!
Worked for me on my DELL E4300. Nice tip, thanks!