Windows Server 7 RC coming in may 5th :)

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    • #43695

      …Microsoft is also set to make available Windows Server 2008 R2 Release Candidate also on May 5…….

      have good upgrading 😀

    • #48481

        Thanks for the news! I’m definitely going to try this one! 🙂 Btw. any idea when they ‘ll release the final?

      • #48482

        If they release it with Windows 7, then it’ll arrive at OEMs at the end of the year and a retail release at the beginning of next year! That was the last thing I read about the release!
        But I still hope, that it’ll be available this year!

      • #48483

          Sounds good! I hope the releases won’t be delayed for one or more times, but time will tell! 🙂

        • #48484

          30 in april its will be available to technet user and msdn 🙂

        • #48485

          @aviv00 wrote:

          30 in april its will be available to technet user and msdn 🙂

          Being a technet user myself, I can confirm this is true.

          Also, you didn’t hear it from me though… Windows 7 might be scheduled for Gold release before September 1st…


        • #48486
        • #48487

          @aviv00 wrote:

          😛 here download it

          Only works if you are a TechNet subscriber!

        • #48488

          @frauhottelmann wrote:

          @aviv00 wrote:

          😛 here download it

          Only works if you are a TechNet subscriber!

          Haha, yup!

          ….you can get it at “the usual places” though, im sure….

        • #48489

          @JonusC wrote:

          @frauhottelmann wrote:

          @aviv00 wrote:

          😛 here download it

          Only works if you are a TechNet subscriber!

          Haha, yup!

          ….you can get it at “the usual places” though, im sure….

          hehe u wrong 🙂 is has not been leaked yet 🙂

          well i guess there no point if its will public soon 🙂

        • #48490

          Hm, I saw a torrent somewhere, but it was kind of pointless, because there was no seeder 😀

        • #48491

          OK, you guys are not looking hard enough! I just had a quick look and found it within minutes and it has 1000+ seeds… FYI, It’s NOT on TPB….

          HINT – Full filename is “7100.0.090421-1700_x64fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRC1CULXFRER_EN_DVD.ISO” (for 64-bit anyway)

          Hope thats not naughty me saying that, it’s only RC1 anyway – and as you said, it’ll be public soon anyway.

        • #48492

          its was leaked hour or 2 after i said it didnt 😀

          anyway i installed it

          i think its faster then win7 😛

        • #48493

          @aviv00 wrote:

          its was leaked hour or 2 after i said it didnt 😀

          anyway i installed it

          i think its faster then win7 😛

          Oh…. my…. gods…. i’ve done it again…


          What are you guys doing confusing me like this LOL! Isn’t it Windows Server 2008 R2? I just saw Windows 7 and everything ive said in this thread was in regards to Windows 7, not the Server 2008 R2… 😳

          😯 *facepalm* 😆

          EDIT: OK, the filename is “en_windows_server_2008_r2_datacenter_enterprise_standard_web_rc_x64_dvd_347937.iso” if it matters =P

        • #48494
        • #48495

          You will not like the WMP12 on 7:

          The EQ is very hard to get to…. you have to go to the view bar>now playing>show enhancements then go to the now playing mode>click on this wierld arrow like icon> then you can pop up the EQ

          also the interface is too whitewashed! Hard to see the text and it is more clunky looking. WMP11 had the best interface. Bring it back and add more features

          The Ui was designed for TV type interface…. grrr… if we want a tv itnerface we would use mediacenter or a tv app….. wmp is mostly a music player…. the now playing mode is a rip off this one linux media player I used to use….

          also the library management is not as powerful as 11 and they got rid of the tag editor.

          If there is a way to install 11 on 7 let me know!

          also they got rid of the mini taskbar player! this was the biggest blow to me! I use it alot when photoshopping and just everyday stuff. they replaced it with a babied down jump list thing that does nothing but tasks I dont do in quick mode. this is globally too.

          wonder if there is gonna be a hack for that. that kills productivity becuase to switch a song or adjust seek/volume/etc you have to open the player back up and switch songs loosing time and concentration!

          theres more but i;ll get to that later.

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