windows live messenger???

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 Applications Compatibility windows live messenger???

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    • #42891

      i cant download live messenger for win server…….can some1 give me a link 😛

    • #45272

        Here you go, I don’t remember where I got this one from but this is Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1302.1018! 😉

        Download: Rapidshare
        Mirror 1: Megaupload
        Mirror 2: 4Shared

      • #45338

          Here you go, I don’t remember where I got this one from but this is Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1302.1018! 😉

          Download: Rapidshare
          Mirror 1: Megaupload
          Mirror 2: 4Shared

        • #59019

            Here you go, I don’t remember where I got this one from but this is Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1302.1018! 😉

            Download: Rapidshare
            Mirror 1: Megaupload
            Mirror 2: 4Shared

          • #59048

              Here you go, I don’t remember where I got this one from but this is Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1302.1018! 😉

              Download: Rapidshare
              Mirror 1: Megaupload
              Mirror 2: 4Shared

            • #45273

              Windows Live Messenger 8.5 won’t install; the only working version is 8.1.


            • #45339

              Windows Live Messenger 8.5 won’t install; the only working version is 8.1.


            • #59020

                Windows Live Messenger 8.5 won’t install; the only working version is 8.1.


              • #59049

                  Windows Live Messenger 8.5 won’t install; the only working version is 8.1.


                • #45274

                  i’m using 9.0 beta at the moment 😀 works perfect so far

                • #45340

                  i’m using 9.0 beta at the moment 😀 works perfect so far

                • #59021

                    i’m using 9.0 beta at the moment 😀 works perfect so far

                  • #59050

                      i’m using 9.0 beta at the moment 😀 works perfect so far

                    • #45271

                      I installed with Messenger 8.5 Standalone, no problem, do not use the WLinstaller only the offline method

                    • #45337

                      I installed with Messenger 8.5 Standalone, no problem, do not use the WLinstaller only the offline method

                    • #59018

                        I installed with Messenger 8.5 Standalone, no problem, do not use the WLinstaller only the offline method

                      • #59047

                          I installed with Messenger 8.5 Standalone, no problem, do not use the WLinstaller only the offline method

                        • #45275

                          the version 9 beta works properly without any issues, you can download here

                        • #45341

                          the version 9 beta works properly without any issues, you can download here

                        • #59022

                            the version 9 beta works properly without any issues, you can download here

                          • #59051

                              the version 9 beta works properly without any issues, you can download here

                            • #59060

                                the version 9 beta works properly without any issues, you can download here

                              • #59069

                                  the version 9 beta works properly without any issues, you can download here

                                • #45276

                                  I installed Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1302.1018 using the offline method but it doesn’t work well. Most of the time no problems but sometimes when MSN starts I get the error “MSN has caused some problems. The computer will shut down in 1 minute”.

                                  You know folks, when these people (M$ in this case) put restrictions on the software like controilling the version you intall and whether the OS version is the right one they do this for a reason. Besides the fact that they may have commercial reasons (let’s face it, if we were in their position we would do the exact same thing) sometimes there are also technical reasons. I guess what I’m trying to say is that not because someone finds the way to bypass the version checks or the way the apps are packaged/installed it means that the apps will actually work 🙁
                                  So, becarefull when installing apps using this kind of workarounds otherwise you may endup with an unstable system

                                • #45342

                                  I installed Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1302.1018 using the offline method but it doesn’t work well. Most of the time no problems but sometimes when MSN starts I get the error “MSN has caused some problems. The computer will shut down in 1 minute”.

                                  You know folks, when these people (M$ in this case) put restrictions on the software like controilling the version you intall and whether the OS version is the right one they do this for a reason. Besides the fact that they may have commercial reasons (let’s face it, if we were in their position we would do the exact same thing) sometimes there are also technical reasons. I guess what I’m trying to say is that not because someone finds the way to bypass the version checks or the way the apps are packaged/installed it means that the apps will actually work 🙁
                                  So, becarefull when installing apps using this kind of workarounds otherwise you may endup with an unstable system

                                • #59023

                                    I installed Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1302.1018 using the offline method but it doesn’t work well. Most of the time no problems but sometimes when MSN starts I get the error “MSN has caused some problems. The computer will shut down in 1 minute”.

                                    You know folks, when these people (M$ in this case) put restrictions on the software like controilling the version you intall and whether the OS version is the right one they do this for a reason. Besides the fact that they may have commercial reasons (let’s face it, if we were in their position we would do the exact same thing) sometimes there are also technical reasons. I guess what I’m trying to say is that not because someone finds the way to bypass the version checks or the way the apps are packaged/installed it means that the apps will actually work 🙁
                                    So, becarefull when installing apps using this kind of workarounds otherwise you may endup with an unstable system

                                  • #59052

                                      I installed Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1302.1018 using the offline method but it doesn’t work well. Most of the time no problems but sometimes when MSN starts I get the error “MSN has caused some problems. The computer will shut down in 1 minute”.

                                      You know folks, when these people (M$ in this case) put restrictions on the software like controilling the version you intall and whether the OS version is the right one they do this for a reason. Besides the fact that they may have commercial reasons (let’s face it, if we were in their position we would do the exact same thing) sometimes there are also technical reasons. I guess what I’m trying to say is that not because someone finds the way to bypass the version checks or the way the apps are packaged/installed it means that the apps will actually work 🙁
                                      So, becarefull when installing apps using this kind of workarounds otherwise you may endup with an unstable system

                                    • #59061

                                        I installed Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1302.1018 using the offline method but it doesn’t work well. Most of the time no problems but sometimes when MSN starts I get the error “MSN has caused some problems. The computer will shut down in 1 minute”.

                                        You know folks, when these people (M$ in this case) put restrictions on the software like controilling the version you intall and whether the OS version is the right one they do this for a reason. Besides the fact that they may have commercial reasons (let’s face it, if we were in their position we would do the exact same thing) sometimes there are also technical reasons. I guess what I’m trying to say is that not because someone finds the way to bypass the version checks or the way the apps are packaged/installed it means that the apps will actually work 🙁
                                        So, becarefull when installing apps using this kind of workarounds otherwise you may endup with an unstable system

                                      • #59070

                                          I installed Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1302.1018 using the offline method but it doesn’t work well. Most of the time no problems but sometimes when MSN starts I get the error “MSN has caused some problems. The computer will shut down in 1 minute”.

                                          You know folks, when these people (M$ in this case) put restrictions on the software like controilling the version you intall and whether the OS version is the right one they do this for a reason. Besides the fact that they may have commercial reasons (let’s face it, if we were in their position we would do the exact same thing) sometimes there are also technical reasons. I guess what I’m trying to say is that not because someone finds the way to bypass the version checks or the way the apps are packaged/installed it means that the apps will actually work 🙁
                                          So, becarefull when installing apps using this kind of workarounds otherwise you may endup with an unstable system

                                        • #45277

                                            Never heard of that error message. Are you sure you don’t have a virus or some script that runs the command:

                                            shutdown -r -t 60 -c "MSN has caused some problems. The computer will shut down in 1 minute"

                                            If you get that message, try to execute the following command in Start -> Run:

                                            shutdown -a
                                          • #45343

                                              Never heard of that error message. Are you sure you don’t have a virus or some script that runs the command:

                                              shutdown -r -t 60 -c "MSN has caused some problems. The computer will shut down in 1 minute"

                                              If you get that message, try to execute the following command in Start -> Run:

                                              shutdown -a
                                            • #59024

                                                Never heard of that error message. Are you sure you don’t have a virus or some script that runs the command:

                                                shutdown -r -t 60 -c "MSN has caused some problems. The computer will shut down in 1 minute"

                                                If you get that message, try to execute the following command in Start -> Run:

                                                shutdown -a
                                              • #59053

                                                  Never heard of that error message. Are you sure you don’t have a virus or some script that runs the command:

                                                  shutdown -r -t 60 -c "MSN has caused some problems. The computer will shut down in 1 minute"

                                                  If you get that message, try to execute the following command in Start -> Run:

                                                  shutdown -a
                                                • #59062

                                                    Never heard of that error message. Are you sure you don’t have a virus or some script that runs the command:

                                                    shutdown -r -t 60 -c "MSN has caused some problems. The computer will shut down in 1 minute"

                                                    If you get that message, try to execute the following command in Start -> Run:

                                                    shutdown -a
                                                  • #59071

                                                      Never heard of that error message. Are you sure you don’t have a virus or some script that runs the command:

                                                      shutdown -r -t 60 -c "MSN has caused some problems. The computer will shut down in 1 minute"

                                                      If you get that message, try to execute the following command in Start -> Run:

                                                      shutdown -a
                                                    • #45278

                                                      I have a big big big problem with WLM i installed version 9 whithout probles but since i change my connection i can see the contact webcam and they can see muy webcam, the problem not is for my connection becouse i tested on laptop with XP and i see my contact, i don know i supose that it take more time and wont be able to connect becouse lost connection, i try to uninstalled and installed an old version but the same problem, can any bady help me, or anybady know how to enlarge to timeout connection, please please

                                                      OK: the problem was solved i just change the router and everything going well, it´s just connection problem

                                                    • #45344

                                                      I have a big big big problem with WLM i installed version 9 whithout probles but since i change my connection i can see the contact webcam and they can see muy webcam, the problem not is for my connection becouse i tested on laptop with XP and i see my contact, i don know i supose that it take more time and wont be able to connect becouse lost connection, i try to uninstalled and installed an old version but the same problem, can any bady help me, or anybady know how to enlarge to timeout connection, please please

                                                      OK: the problem was solved i just change the router and everything going well, it´s just connection problem

                                                    • #45350

                                                      I have a big big big problem with WLM i installed version 9 whithout probles but since i change my connection i can see the contact webcam and they can see muy webcam, the problem not is for my connection becouse i tested on laptop with XP and i see my contact, i don know i supose that it take more time and wont be able to connect becouse lost connection, i try to uninstalled and installed an old version but the same problem, can any bady help me, or anybady know how to enlarge to timeout connection, please please

                                                      OK: the problem was solved i just change the router and everything going well, it´s just connection problem

                                                    • #59025

                                                        I have a big big big problem with WLM i installed version 9 whithout probles but since i change my connection i can see the contact webcam and they can see muy webcam, the problem not is for my connection becouse i tested on laptop with XP and i see my contact, i don know i supose that it take more time and wont be able to connect becouse lost connection, i try to uninstalled and installed an old version but the same problem, can any bady help me, or anybady know how to enlarge to timeout connection, please please

                                                        OK: the problem was solved i just change the router and everything going well, it´s just connection problem

                                                      • #59054

                                                          I have a big big big problem with WLM i installed version 9 whithout probles but since i change my connection i can see the contact webcam and they can see muy webcam, the problem not is for my connection becouse i tested on laptop with XP and i see my contact, i don know i supose that it take more time and wont be able to connect becouse lost connection, i try to uninstalled and installed an old version but the same problem, can any bady help me, or anybady know how to enlarge to timeout connection, please please

                                                          OK: the problem was solved i just change the router and everything going well, it´s just connection problem

                                                        • #59063

                                                            I have a big big big problem with WLM i installed version 9 whithout probles but since i change my connection i can see the contact webcam and they can see muy webcam, the problem not is for my connection becouse i tested on laptop with XP and i see my contact, i don know i supose that it take more time and wont be able to connect becouse lost connection, i try to uninstalled and installed an old version but the same problem, can any bady help me, or anybady know how to enlarge to timeout connection, please please

                                                            OK: the problem was solved i just change the router and everything going well, it´s just connection problem

                                                          • #59072

                                                              I have a big big big problem with WLM i installed version 9 whithout probles but since i change my connection i can see the contact webcam and they can see muy webcam, the problem not is for my connection becouse i tested on laptop with XP and i see my contact, i don know i supose that it take more time and wont be able to connect becouse lost connection, i try to uninstalled and installed an old version but the same problem, can any bady help me, or anybady know how to enlarge to timeout connection, please please

                                                              OK: the problem was solved i just change the router and everything going well, it´s just connection problem

                                                            • #45280

                                                              I installed version 8.5.1302.1018 and it didn’t even show a warning.

                                                            • #45346

                                                              I installed version 8.5.1302.1018 and it didn’t even show a warning.

                                                            • #45352

                                                              I installed version 8.5.1302.1018 and it didn’t even show a warning.

                                                            • #59027

                                                                I installed version 8.5.1302.1018 and it didn’t even show a warning.

                                                              • #59056

                                                                  I installed version 8.5.1302.1018 and it didn’t even show a warning.

                                                                • #59065

                                                                    I installed version 8.5.1302.1018 and it didn’t even show a warning.

                                                                  • #59074

                                                                      I installed version 8.5.1302.1018 and it didn’t even show a warning.

                                                                    • #45279

                                                                      I have patched the WLM installer to disable the “This is not working on windows server blabla”


                                                                      Have fun 🙂

                                                                    • #45345

                                                                      I have patched the WLM installer to disable the “This is not working on windows server blabla”


                                                                      Have fun 🙂

                                                                    • #45351

                                                                      I have patched the WLM installer to disable the “This is not working on windows server blabla”


                                                                      Have fun 🙂

                                                                    • #59026

                                                                        I have patched the WLM installer to disable the “This is not working on windows server blabla”


                                                                        Have fun 🙂

                                                                      • #59055

                                                                          I have patched the WLM installer to disable the “This is not working on windows server blabla”


                                                                          Have fun 🙂

                                                                        • #59064

                                                                            I have patched the WLM installer to disable the “This is not working on windows server blabla”


                                                                            Have fun 🙂

                                                                          • #59073

                                                                              I have patched the WLM installer to disable the “This is not working on windows server blabla”


                                                                              Have fun 🙂

                                                                            • #45281

                                                                              Can you explain how you did that?
                                                                              I would like to use the new Beta ( on my Server.

                                                                              Never mind, find it here:

                                                                            • #45347

                                                                              Can you explain how you did that?
                                                                              I would like to use the new Beta ( on my Server.

                                                                              Never mind, find it here:

                                                                            • #45353

                                                                              Can you explain how you did that?
                                                                              I would like to use the new Beta ( on my Server.

                                                                              Never mind, find it here:

                                                                            • #59028

                                                                                Can you explain how you did that?
                                                                                I would like to use the new Beta ( on my Server.

                                                                                Never mind, find it here:

                                                                              • #59057

                                                                                  Can you explain how you did that?
                                                                                  I would like to use the new Beta ( on my Server.

                                                                                  Never mind, find it here:

                                                                                • #59066

                                                                                    Can you explain how you did that?
                                                                                    I would like to use the new Beta ( on my Server.

                                                                                    Never mind, find it here:

                                                                                  • #59075

                                                                                      Can you explain how you did that?
                                                                                      I would like to use the new Beta ( on my Server.

                                                                                      Never mind, find it here:

                                                                                    • #45283

                                                                                      Digsby >>>>>>>> MSN

                                                                                      Seriously try Digsby, has so many more features than msn, and can use multiple IM accounts and integrate them into Digsby.

                                                                                    • #45349

                                                                                      Digsby >>>>>>>> MSN

                                                                                      Seriously try Digsby, has so many more features than msn, and can use multiple IM accounts and integrate them into Digsby.

                                                                                    • #45355

                                                                                      Digsby >>>>>>>> MSN

                                                                                      Seriously try Digsby, has so many more features than msn, and can use multiple IM accounts and integrate them into Digsby.

                                                                                    • #59030

                                                                                        Digsby >>>>>>>> MSN

                                                                                        Seriously try Digsby, has so many more features than msn, and can use multiple IM accounts and integrate them into Digsby.

                                                                                      • #59059

                                                                                          Digsby >>>>>>>> MSN

                                                                                          Seriously try Digsby, has so many more features than msn, and can use multiple IM accounts and integrate them into Digsby.

                                                                                        • #59068

                                                                                            Digsby >>>>>>>> MSN

                                                                                            Seriously try Digsby, has so many more features than msn, and can use multiple IM accounts and integrate them into Digsby.

                                                                                          • #59077

                                                                                              Digsby >>>>>>>> MSN

                                                                                              Seriously try Digsby, has so many more features than msn, and can use multiple IM accounts and integrate them into Digsby.

                                                                                            • #45282

                                                                                              damm my beta 9 version 2009 (build 14.0.3921.717) is requesting an update that will not install as it is looking for xp now. Keep looping from update to unable to sign in. I’m moving to digby now as this will not work without it updating which it can’t do. The version Darkstack posted is french for those interested and I get no where with that version either. Thanks for the different client end0rphine.

                                                                                              Update*** installed digby which works fine for messaging but the issue I found was it’s camera integration is poor and it’s self advertising on that point is not good. I’ve used the 8.5 version Arris posted and that works fine.

                                                                                            • #45348

                                                                                              damm my beta 9 version 2009 (build 14.0.3921.717) is requesting an update that will not install as it is looking for xp now. Keep looping from update to unable to sign in. I’m moving to digby now as this will not work without it updating which it can’t do. The version Darkstack posted is french for those interested and I get no where with that version either. Thanks for the different client end0rphine.

                                                                                              Update*** installed digby which works fine for messaging but the issue I found was it’s camera integration is poor and it’s self advertising on that point is not good. I’ve used the 8.5 version Arris posted and that works fine.

                                                                                            • #45354

                                                                                              damm my beta 9 version 2009 (build 14.0.3921.717) is requesting an update that will not install as it is looking for xp now. Keep looping from update to unable to sign in. I’m moving to digby now as this will not work without it updating which it can’t do. The version Darkstack posted is french for those interested and I get no where with that version either. Thanks for the different client end0rphine.

                                                                                              Update*** installed digby which works fine for messaging but the issue I found was it’s camera integration is poor and it’s self advertising on that point is not good. I’ve used the 8.5 version Arris posted and that works fine.

                                                                                            • #59029

                                                                                                damm my beta 9 version 2009 (build 14.0.3921.717) is requesting an update that will not install as it is looking for xp now. Keep looping from update to unable to sign in. I’m moving to digby now as this will not work without it updating which it can’t do. The version Darkstack posted is french for those interested and I get no where with that version either. Thanks for the different client end0rphine.

                                                                                                Update*** installed digby which works fine for messaging but the issue I found was it’s camera integration is poor and it’s self advertising on that point is not good. I’ve used the 8.5 version Arris posted and that works fine.

                                                                                              • #59058

                                                                                                  damm my beta 9 version 2009 (build 14.0.3921.717) is requesting an update that will not install as it is looking for xp now. Keep looping from update to unable to sign in. I’m moving to digby now as this will not work without it updating which it can’t do. The version Darkstack posted is french for those interested and I get no where with that version either. Thanks for the different client end0rphine.

                                                                                                  Update*** installed digby which works fine for messaging but the issue I found was it’s camera integration is poor and it’s self advertising on that point is not good. I’ve used the 8.5 version Arris posted and that works fine.

                                                                                                • #59067

                                                                                                    damm my beta 9 version 2009 (build 14.0.3921.717) is requesting an update that will not install as it is looking for xp now. Keep looping from update to unable to sign in. I’m moving to digby now as this will not work without it updating which it can’t do. The version Darkstack posted is french for those interested and I get no where with that version either. Thanks for the different client end0rphine.

                                                                                                    Update*** installed digby which works fine for messaging but the issue I found was it’s camera integration is poor and it’s self advertising on that point is not good. I’ve used the 8.5 version Arris posted and that works fine.

                                                                                                  • #59076

                                                                                                      damm my beta 9 version 2009 (build 14.0.3921.717) is requesting an update that will not install as it is looking for xp now. Keep looping from update to unable to sign in. I’m moving to digby now as this will not work without it updating which it can’t do. The version Darkstack posted is french for those interested and I get no where with that version either. Thanks for the different client end0rphine.

                                                                                                      Update*** installed digby which works fine for messaging but the issue I found was it’s camera integration is poor and it’s self advertising on that point is not good. I’ve used the 8.5 version Arris posted and that works fine.

                                                                                                    • #45356

                                                                                                      I see the forced upgrade on which explains my issues. Thanks for that site it’s great. If your ever up in brissie let me know and I’ll buy ya a beer.

                                                                                                    • #45357

                                                                                                      @JoeSoap wrote:

                                                                                                      I see the forced upgrade on which explains my issues. Thanks for that site it’s great. If your ever up in brissie let me know and I’ll buy ya a beer.

                                                                                                      Haha cheers man, my mother lives up there so you never know I might hold you to that! Didn’t know of any other aussies on here 🙂 Yes its a very cool site, lots of crap goin on though sometimes it overwhelmes me.

                                                                                                    • #45358

                                                                                                      I got the latest beta WLM running without any hiccups.

                                                                                                      The easiest way is to run WLM installer on a regular windows machine and copy the messenger.msi and contacts.msi to your server 2008 machine and install both of them.

                                                                                                      Of course, you need to search for the two msi files. They should be inside some temp folder…. forgot the path.

                                                                                                    • #45359

                                                                                                      @hsjc wrote:

                                                                                                      I got the latest beta WLM running without any hiccups.

                                                                                                      The easiest way is to run WLM installer on a regular windows machine and copy the messenger.msi and contacts.msi to your server 2008 machine and install both of them.

                                                                                                      Of course, you need to search for the two msi files. They should be inside some temp folder…. forgot the path.

                                                                                                      Start > Run > type in %TEMP% and hit and that’ll take you to the standard TEMP folder. 99% of the time MSI Installers extract to here, inside a semi-randomly named folder.

                                                                                                    • #45360

                                                                                                      Hey. My first post here. :mrgreen:

                                                                                                      I installed messenger 9 beta sucessfully! This page helped my a lot:


                                                                                                      Edit: Sorry for mistakes, i dont speak/write english usually =)

                                                                                                    • #45361

                                                                                                      Glad you got it working 🙂

                                                                                                      How awesome is the WLM v9 Beta though! I love it!

                                                                                                  Viewing 82 reply threads
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