Windows Biometrics Framework (WBF) on Built-In Admin Account

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2012 Applications Compatibility Windows Biometrics Framework (WBF) on Built-In Admin Account

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    • #44622

      Interestingly enough, I have found many an answer for Windows 8 here in the Server 2012 forum and vice-versa (I switch between the two), and recently I have found a problem I seem to be having across both system’s.

      That problem, is that when I try to setup my Fingerprint scanner I get:

      “The WBF does not permit enrollments for Guest or Built-in Administrator accounts.”

      Now, I know the WBF was added and this started with Windows 7 and Server 08 R2, but has anyone found a way around this limitation, hackery or otherwise*? I would really like to setup my fingerprint, but I completely cripple the Guest account and make sure that there are no other user accounts then the one I am using (which is the Built-In admin).

      *No, I have ZERO interest in setting up a secondary user and using that account instead, none, zip, zilch, nada!

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