Turning Point Fall of Liberty will not install

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 Games Compatibility Turning Point Fall of Liberty will not install

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    • #43575

      When attempting to install Turning Point fall of liberty, the windows installer gets to about 95% hangs for about 5min and reports back not a supported operating system. I tried the “compatability” mode on the main setup.exe but that produced the same results. Has anyone else tried to install this game and if you did get it working what was the steps?


    • #48034


        Just tried this game and it installs fine on my Windows Server 2008 x64 machine. Just ran the Launcher.exe and clicked install.

        One thing you can try is to copy the whole dvd to a new folder on your harddrive and edit the Turning Point – Fall of Liberty.msi file using the Patching .msi Installers tutorial where you drop the row with Description “The operating system is not adequate for running [ProductName].” from the LaunchCondition table.

        Hope this works!

      • #48035

        That fixed it. Must be something in 32 bit server (what I am running). Ran Orca and solved it…



      • #48036

          Good to hear that it works! Enjoy playing the game! 😉

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