Shortcuts at Drive C:

Forums General General Discussion Shortcuts at Drive C:

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    • #43011


      I have a general question to Server 2008 and maybe Vista.

      At Drive C: are the folder or shortcuts called “Documents and Settings”. You see it only if you choose “View all Files”. If I click on the folder or shortcuts called “Documents and Settings” I get the error “Access denied”. It this correct?

      I think allways this is a shortcuts for older application that they forward to the new Folder “C:Users”? But if the access denied it makes no sense?

      Can somebody explain that?

    • #45860

      u got admin rights ?

      i use to remove the shutcut of users [ doc and settings ] everytime i install it

      and dont got problem

      try do that with cmd and run as administrator

      remove “doc… [use tab ]

    • #45861


      I loged in as Administrator and I get the error “access denied”. I installed the Server 2008 on seperate partion on my laptop. With Windows XP I have the same error if I click on the Folder.
      I don’t want remove the Folder.
      But I wont know, why can nobody click on the folders?

      If you click on the folder you get a error or what else?

    • #45862

        Sounds like an ownership problem. Did you try to take over the permissions of the file?
        1. rightclick the file -> Properties
        2. Tab Security -> Advanced
        3. Tab Owner -> click Edit
        4. from the list choose Administrators and click OK
        5. Close all settings windows and try again!

        Good luck! 🙂

      • #45863

        I thought Vista and WinSrv08 store old programs and files from legacy operating systems in a folder called Windows_OLD. That would mean that your shortcuts or directories are not from past installs.

        Actually, this sound to me like a basic install issue. Sounds like the WinSrv08 copy you have is trying to istall directories the wrong way. Man, I am so tired I am not even sure what I meant! But, it still sounds like a install issue. If you can read English then download a English copy and see if it still does this.

      • #45864

        Thank’s for our comments. I solved the Problem.

        I look to the permissions on this shotcut and I see all users have full access to this shortcut. I type in the adress line at the explorer “C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator” and I see the profile of the Administrator.

        If I click on the Folder C:Documents and Settings at the explorer I get the error access denied, but all have the full access. I locked to the owner of this shotcut and I see “system”. I think thats the reason why I get the error because I’am not loged in as System, I’am loged in as Administrator. I cover over the owner to Administrator and now I can click on this shortcut. But i think this is a general Problem, because I installed the server on a free clear partion and direct after the installation it was so….

        Thank’s to all for our helpfull comments. Without our comment’s I never can solved this problem.

      • #45865

          C:Documents and Settings is a hidden folder. As you see in the following commandprompt, it is a junction to C:Users to stay backwards compatible. Just disable the view of hidden files and folders (Tools -> Folder Options -> View in Windows Explorer), and it won’t bother you again! 😉

          Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]
          Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

          C:UsersAdministrator>dir c: /a:h
          Volume in drive C is WIN2008
          Volume Serial Number is B098-05D1

          Directory of c:

          01/19/2008 11:33 AM $Recycle.Bin
          03/16/2008 01:58 AM
          01/19/2008 09:45 AM 333,203 bootmgr
          01/19/2008 04:21 PM Documents and Settings [C:Users]
          03/17/2008 12:42 AM MSOCache
          03/29/2008 02:42 PM 4,607,066,112 pagefile.sys
          03/31/2008 11:11 PM
          03/16/2008 01:00 AM
          System Volume Information
          2 File(s) 4,607,399,315 bytes
          6 Dir(s) 46,130,495,488 bytes free

        • #45866

          Thanks for your answer, but I develop Programms and I interested in the OS system structure. I allways show all files since x years because I need this and i want it. But now it is all clear to this topic.

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