Remote control install under Windows 2012 R2 server (EHOME)

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2012 R2 Hardware Compatibility Remote control install under Windows 2012 R2 server (EHOME)

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    • #44693

      R2 RTM is out, so i share some tips to install this driver on 2012 R2 OS

      2012 (non-R2) version driver works fine, but i needed to do one more thing.
      I was unable to run 2012 R2 in test mode, so download package:

      run it, if u still see devices with yellow question mark in device manager;
      reboot the server at the start press few times F8 and chose -> disable driver signining
      now select that device with question mark and manualy update the driver, select the folder where u have extracted ehome package from link above.
      device must be found and installed correctly and even working after reboot to normal start mode

    • #60849

        @screamer wrote:

        R2 RTM is out, so i share some tips to install this driver on 2012 R2 OS

        Is it ???

        WS2012-R2 RTM has not been released yet !
        And will not be until the end of 2013….
        The latest available version is Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview!

        In the middle of the page:
        Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview is Here!
        Experience the new features and enhancements available in the preview of Windows Server 2012 R2.
        Try Now»

      • #60847

          @hackerman1 wrote:

          Is it ???

          jep, use google ) ISOs everywhere

        • #60848

            @screamer wrote:

            @hackerman1 wrote:

            Is it ???

            jep, use google ) ISOs everywhere

            I did a quick search, and you are right, WS2012-R2 really is RTM.
            Weird, on their own Windows Server-page (that i linked to above), they say nothing about it…

            But on technet-blogs:
            “Cloud Insights from Brad Anderson, Corporate Vice President, Windows Server & System Center
            Today is the RTM for Windows Server 2012 R2!
            27 Aug 2013 6:11 AM

            As noted in my earlier post about the availability dates for the 2012 R2 wave, we are counting the days until our partners and customers can start using these products.
            Today I am proud to announce a big milestone: Windows Server 2012 R2 has been released to manufacturing!


            Anyway, since it seems that we mean diiferent things let me clarify what i actually meant:

            WS2012-R2 is not publicly available yet.

            Yes, it´s now RTM to OEM´s, but the final version is not officially released by Microsoft for the public,
            General Availability (GA) comes later.

            So you should not download any “ISO´s available everywhere”.
            You don´t know what you get….

            I´m not downloading WS2012-R2 until it´s available on Dreamspark Premium.

            EDIT: post updated today since a few lines was missing after “copy & paste” last night,
            which i didn´t see because i was very tired when i posted it.

          • #60846

              @hackerman1 wrote:

              So you should not download any “ISO´s available everywhere”.
              You don´t know what you get….

              it up to you, wait 2 more months or begin to use it right now, iso’s will be same on october, but there will be paches in microsoft update, what will fix some issues in RTM to the day of release

              but this is other topic so i think we don’t need to continue our conversation here )

            • #60845

                The MSDN iso’s/hashes have been updated for subscribers. Check your accounts if you haven’t already. Based on this info, one can determine if in fact the leaked files were untouched.

              • #60850

                  I can install the driver, the receiver doesn’t work at that point though, so I try a reboot. But on reboot the USBCIR device gets a yellow exclamation error:
                  “Windows cannot identify this hardware because it does not have a valid hardware identification number. (Code 9)”
                  I know the hardware works as I can plug it into a windows 8.1 machine ok
                  Anyone seen this?

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