Redemption for older C&C games – multiplayer

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 Games Compatibility Redemption for older C&C games – multiplayer

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    • #43255

      Due to missing IPX in Vista/2K8, its was not possible to play with your friends on LAN. But I’ve discovered an UDP patch for C&C games, that use IPX. IPX is replaced with UDP protocol, and the multiplayer runs a bit faster, too.

      Tiberain Dawn, Red Alert 1:

      Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, Yuris Revenge:

      Enjoy! 🙂

    • #46863

      FYI, for other games there is a software [commercial sadly, but I bought it!] called TCPCom that allows any game that can use “Null Modem” to work on a TCP-IP network! Of course, you can only play 1vs1 🙁 but it works flawlessly!

      Also, do a google for the Hi-Resolution patch for C&C Gold – Tiberium Dawn [the original Command and Conquer] at 1024×768 is awesome!

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