R2 Compatible Sound Cards?

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 R2 Hardware Compatibility R2 Compatible Sound Cards?

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    • #44023

      Can anybody point me to any sounds cards that they know for certain are compatible with Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, i’m running a Dell Optiplex and the on-board sound card i cannot find a driver for. I tried installing the Vista 64 bit one but it didnt work. It says the driver is installed correctly but the volume in the tray still says there isn’t any playback devices.


    • #50514

      try the windows 7 driver.

    • #60333

        try the windows 7 driver.

      • #50515

        Can’t find any for windows 7, guess i just have to buy another one, but i don’t know which cards are supported in Windows Server 2008 R2!

      • #60334

          Can’t find any for windows 7, guess i just have to buy another one, but i don’t know which cards are supported in Windows Server 2008 R2!

        • #50516

            @tripflex wrote:

            i don’t know which cards are supported in Windows Server 2008 R2!

            The same ones as in Windows 7.

          • #60335

              @tripflex wrote:

              i don’t know which cards are supported in Windows Server 2008 R2!

              The same ones as in Windows 7.

            • #50518

              Dell typically uses intel,soundmaxx integrated audio, realtek, or marvell codec.

              witch one of these do you have?

            • #60337

                Dell typically uses intel,soundmaxx integrated audio, realtek, or marvell codec.

                witch one of these do you have?

              • #50517

                I know for a fact that creative labs x-fi extreme gamer is definitely compatible.
                Im using the youpax drivers for it, but creative also has a driver for it. It works flawlessly, apart from the whole not being able to use the hardware acceleration in vista/7 class OSes.

              • #60336

                  I know for a fact that creative labs x-fi extreme gamer is definitely compatible.
                  Im using the youpax drivers for it, but creative also has a driver for it. It works flawlessly, apart from the whole not being able to use the hardware acceleration in vista/7 class OSes.

                • #50513


                  I’ve posted my experience installing the Creative Labs Xfi Titanium (the cheapest version) in my HP ML350 (no onboard sound) and this card seems to work very well indeed. It does come in PCI-E format so you’d need an appropriate expansion slot

                  Best of luck on your search

                • #60332


                    I’ve posted my experience installing the Creative Labs Xfi Titanium (the cheapest version) in my HP ML350 (no onboard sound) and this card seems to work very well indeed. It does come in PCI-E format so you’d need an appropriate expansion slot

                    Best of luck on your search

                  • #50519

                    Just bought the ASUS Xonar Essence STX – works like a charm. 🙂

                  • #60338

                      Just bought the ASUS Xonar Essence STX – works like a charm. 🙂

                    • #50520

                      ASUS Xonar DX (PCIe version) works perfectly.

                      I’m guessing that any sound card or chipset will work with Server 2008 R2 as long as it has at least Windows 7 x64 compliant drivers.

                      HDA Codec chips should have minimal support from the Microsoft HDA driver if no other drivers exist, otherwise contact the manufacturer.

                      Also, I know this for a fact. If you have a hardware device installed with an unsigned driver installed, 2008 R2 will not rollback or uninstall the driver.

                    • #60339

                        ASUS Xonar DX (PCIe version) works perfectly.

                        I’m guessing that any sound card or chipset will work with Server 2008 R2 as long as it has at least Windows 7 x64 compliant drivers.

                        HDA Codec chips should have minimal support from the Microsoft HDA driver if no other drivers exist, otherwise contact the manufacturer.

                        Also, I know this for a fact. If you have a hardware device installed with an unsigned driver installed, 2008 R2 will not rollback or uninstall the driver.

                      • #50521

                        @reaperx7 wrote:

                        Also, I know this for a fact. If you have a hardware device installed with an unsigned driver installed, 2008 R2 will not rollback or uninstall the driver.

                        Alternatively, if you’re having problems with unsigned drivers, install the Bluetooth stack for R2 which comes with a hack that removes the testsigning watermark, and self-sign the driver using the Windows SDK. I’ve recently done this for a prerelease bugfixed VMware driver that wouldn’t run because it was unsigned (and testsigning mode still blocks unsigned drivers, but it does allow self-signed drivers).

                      • #60340

                          @reaperx7 wrote:

                          Also, I know this for a fact. If you have a hardware device installed with an unsigned driver installed, 2008 R2 will not rollback or uninstall the driver.

                          Alternatively, if you’re having problems with unsigned drivers, install the Bluetooth stack for R2 which comes with a hack that removes the testsigning watermark, and self-sign the driver using the Windows SDK. I’ve recently done this for a prerelease bugfixed VMware driver that wouldn’t run because it was unsigned (and testsigning mode still blocks unsigned drivers, but it does allow self-signed drivers).

                        • #50522

                          I just bought a generic one on Amazon.com for $7.21 + $6.54 shipping ($13.75 total).

                          Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006I09OS/sr=8-4/qid=1282521611/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&qid=1282521611&sr=8-4&seller=

                          It is a Sabrent SBT-SP6C 6-Channel 5.1 Surround Sound 3D PCI Sound Card

                          I received the package in 3 days from the processed date from City of Industry California to Toledo, Ohio, United States (2,235 miles/3,597km). I placed the order on the night of the 18th and the package was received at 2:27PM on the 21st.

                          The card works, but the driver installation CD that comes with the hardware did not work for me. I managed to get the sound card to work by downloading the C-Media CMI8738 WDM driver.

                          Driver download: http://www.cmedia.com.tw/en/DownloadCenter_Detail.aspx?pserno=0&dtype=ALL

                          The very top one (CMI8738LX Windows 7 RC Build 7600, Ver 8.17.40, 2010-02-09) worked fine for me.

                          I use Yahoo Messenger and the driver software includes a 16-bit full duplex codec so I was able to listen to voice chat without needing a microphone. On my built-in realtek sound card on my motherboard I couldn’t listen to voice chat unless a mic was plugged in so the fact that this card is Yahoo Messenger ready is a plus. It also supports Mac OSX and Linux. Not bad for under $14.

                        • #60341

                            I just bought a generic one on Amazon.com for $7.21 + $6.54 shipping ($13.75 total).

                            Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006I09OS/sr=8-4/qid=1282521611/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&qid=1282521611&sr=8-4&seller=

                            It is a Sabrent SBT-SP6C 6-Channel 5.1 Surround Sound 3D PCI Sound Card

                            I received the package in 3 days from the processed date from City of Industry California to Toledo, Ohio, United States (2,235 miles/3,597km). I placed the order on the night of the 18th and the package was received at 2:27PM on the 21st.

                            The card works, but the driver installation CD that comes with the hardware did not work for me. I managed to get the sound card to work by downloading the C-Media CMI8738 WDM driver.

                            Driver download: http://www.cmedia.com.tw/en/DownloadCenter_Detail.aspx?pserno=0&dtype=ALL

                            The very top one (CMI8738LX Windows 7 RC Build 7600, Ver 8.17.40, 2010-02-09) worked fine for me.

                            I use Yahoo Messenger and the driver software includes a 16-bit full duplex codec so I was able to listen to voice chat without needing a microphone. On my built-in realtek sound card on my motherboard I couldn’t listen to voice chat unless a mic was plugged in so the fact that this card is Yahoo Messenger ready is a plus. It also supports Mac OSX and Linux. Not bad for under $14.

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