Private Signature Images

Forums General Feedback Private Signature Images

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    • #43032

      This is just my opinion and we all know what opinions are like, so disregard it as you please…

      I think the new Private Signature images being used by Designers, Experts, and Administrators are a good way to validate the credibility of any given poster, but I think the current image size you’re using is way too large. I think it should be more subtle.

      Thanks for providing a Feedback section for stupid opinions like mine! 😮

    • #45942

      @darrelld wrote:

      current image size you’re using is way too large. I think it should be more subtle.

      I kind of agree! I thought I would shrink mine to about half the size, but I have just not done it yet.

      BTW, opinions are the best tool for customer service. I do not care what any other person says, because you could never offend me! Say what you are thinking so i do not have to interpret 😆

    • #45943

      The current size we use, is around the normal size of image signatures.
      When I look on the website, the signature is not way to big and not way to small.
      Maybe the resolution youre using is low, and you see stuff bigger.
      all I can say is that this is the normal size of image signatures.

    • #45944

      It’s really no big deal and I didn’t mean to upset anyone with my feedback.

      At a resolution of 1920×1080, 60Hz when comparing the Private Signature image to the size of a post’s text, the size of the avatar and its surrounding text, and the size of the text in a signature, the size of the Private Signatue image looks awkwardly large. I’m just saying that relative to the things around it and when considering its purpose, it looks way too big regardless of screen resolution.

      But anyway, let’s get back to our discussions on win2k8. Sorry I mentioned it and again thanks for this awesome site.

    • #45945

      I would say 400×120 is “max” for a nice signature.

      The current ones are 440×160 which is a bit big(ish) if you ask me atleast :l
      The height should be reduced atleast if nothing else.

      (Running 1440×900 here so I wouldn’t say its that)

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