Pay $199.95 for Windows Server 2008 Enterprise

Forums General General Discussion Pay $199.95 for Windows Server 2008 Enterprise

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    • #43158

      1. Buy Windows Vista Home Basic
      2. Install Windos Vista Home Basic
      3. Copy C:WindowsSystem32licensingpkeyconfigpkeyconfig.xrm-ms and C:WindowsServiceProfilesNetworkServiceAppDataRoamingMicrosoftSoftwareLicensingtokens.dat from Vista.
      4. Download Windows Server 2008 Enterprise trial from Microsoft
      5. Install Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
      6. stop Software Licensing service
      7. Paste C:WindowsSystem32licensingpkeyconfigpkeyconfig.xrm-ms and C:WindowsServiceProfilesNetworkServiceAppDataRoamingMicrosoftSoftwareLicensingtokens.dat obtain from vista
      8. Reboot Windows Server 2008 Enterprise and activate with Windows Vista Home Basic serial

      Do this at your own risk.

      Personally, I bought Windows Server 2008 Standard so don’t ask me about any question.

    • #46504

        Are you sure everything is still working, because I have seen people messing with these licensing files and they were not able to use server OS specific things like Server Roles and -Features? However, I am still running the trial and will reset it when the 240 days are expired! An other possibility to get the full version of Windows Server 2008 is to get it via MSDN if you have an account, or via MSDN AA (Academic Alliance) if you are still studying and your school is connected to MSDN AA.

      • #46505

        If you replace the tokens.dat you cannot use the Server manager, windows update (downloads updates for vista which can be potentially dangerous), you cannot add roles and features to your server too.
        After the 240 days period ends there is a way to stop the timer completely and i think thats the best way to go.

      • #46506



        Yes, “After the 240 days period ends there is a way to stop the timer completely and i think thats the best way to go” and this method has been found by Sergio Mcfly. More information here :

        If you follow my advice, all will be OK.


      • #46507

        Actually, i wasnt talking about that method πŸ™‚
        I tried it today and looks like it works, but some people reported that after few days windows wants to activate again but it cant because the files are missing and the computer becomes unusable so i dont think this is safe method, or atleast backup these files instead of deleting them as the author suggests!

      • #46508


        It’s why I said before “Don’t delete the 3 files but make a backup if a day they are required by the system.”

        Perhaps a problem with the “SL UI notification service”. This service have to be disabled and stopped before the moving of the files (SLUI.exe, SLLUA.exe and SLUINotify.dll). Don’t forget to restart W2k8 before the moving of the 3 files.

        I can assure to you, there is no problem with that method tried with Vista Ultimate installed since several months and W2K8 installed now since several weeks. All is good and Windows Update and other stuffs work fine.

        What is your method please ?


      • #46509

        Yeah maybe your right, but i’m still worried if M$ release update or something else that will put back these files thats why im using the TimerLock/TimerStop is an article about it.
        The only downside is that you must still have atleast one free rearm!

      • #46510


        Thanks Sawo for your information.

        I don’t know if the timer stop works fine with W2K8 and Windows Vista SP1. I know that the first TimerStop worked very well with Windows Vista RTM but it was broken with SP1. I’ll try this with VMware.



      • #46511

        The older version doesn’t work, but the new v2a versions works just fine.Unfortunately the latest 2.6 version requires vista only, so the latest usable version is the chinese 2.0, which can be tricked.
        BTW i’m not sure if we are allowed to discuss such topics here..

      • #46512

          You are right, I just wanted to close this Thread because there are a lot of warez forums out there to discuss these things. Let’s keep this one clean! πŸ™‚

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