Options to purchase Windows Server 2008?

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    • #43317

      So what are the options available to purchase Server 2008 Std or Ent? I wasn’t sure if there was some kind of single-license copy available to buy versus having to buy one of the expensive 5-license packs out there. I’ve heard about the MSDN variants, but those frequently use the term “evaluation”, though they’re full versions. My understanding is that, this means you can’t use MSDN to pull down a copy for commercial use in a small office for example, and if you cancel your MSDN membership, it legally means you can’t use the software anymore. But how might that apply to personal use?

      I’m fine with spending $200-$250 for a copy, but so far, it doesn’t look like retail copies with one user license are readily available. Calling Microsoft hasn’t yielded any results either (just robots that send me to the 5-license pack page because they don’t know any better).

    • #47080

        Search for example http://shopper.cnet.com/ or http://www.cdw.com/ for “Windows Server 2008” and you can get the Web Edition for less than $400.

      • #47081

        Sorry if I am repeating an answer from above, but I have to recommend an MSDN subscription.

        I would say the best route to get this is sponsored by your company, On your MSDN subscription you’ll get unlimited server licenses for “non production use”.

        There are other benefits to getting an MSDN license, here are just a few:
        1. 24/7 Microsoft Conciege Support Chat – I have had very good experiences with the support guys, they’re actually not your typical help desk staff, and can communicate in perfect english, and also seem technical, almost like you’re talking to another developer, or at least someone very technical, I would say without a doubt, the highest level of technical support I have yet to recieve for “free”
        2. Access to managed news groups, for even more technical questions, these groups are monitored by Microsoft development teams, and you’ll get a technical answer within 2 working days.
        3. Downloads of all Microsoft Applications, Development Tools, Server Products, Operating Systems, Design Packages, SDKs etc, but there is more, just a quick change of the language option and your able to get these applications in the language of your choice, if its available. For example – Germany Office 2007.

        I know its not exactly cheap, and for most people its not something they would consider buying, but if you can get your company to get an MSDN subscription, you’re set!

      • #47082

        What is an “Open License”? I did a bit of research when I saw that there are 1 User Device CAL’s for only $30, and from what I read I think it is simply a license to allow a user to logon/connect to a Server 2008 network – and not an actual license for the Server. So buying one of these is useless unless you actually already own Server 2008, Correct?

        I saw $450 US for a Standard Server 2008. Pretty good.

      • #47083

        i think its better wait to windows 7 beta if u gonna use ur os as worksation

      • #47084

        Sounds like a plan ;D

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