Nod 32 installer

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    • #43438

      I downloaded nod 32 on (french version because i’m a belgian) but when I started the setup, I’ve got an error message: “this version is not for server os”… What is the row(s) which I must drop? for my setup work on my w2k8 server…

      thanks a lot for your great job,

      ps: sorry for my bad English but I learn English about 2years at school…

    • #47561


        As you can see in the Security Software Compatibility List, installing the Home Edition of Eset software isn’t possible on Windows Server 2008, nor someone found a workaround (yet).

        Solution: Use the Business Editions of Eset Anti-Virus in stead, or choose some other Anti-Virus application from the list mentioned above.

        Your English isn’t that bad! As long as you can make yourself clear, there is no problem. 😉

      • #47562

        yes but else with the Business Editions i can’t install i’ve patched the .msi but I always got an error message: “this version is not for server os”… so What is the row(s) which I must drop in orca(it’s the error message 5003)?

      • #47564

        up sorry but it’s urgent

        thanks a lot

      • #47563

          The following installers exist for Eset AntiVirus:
          eav_nt32_enu.msi = Eset AntiVirus Home Edition x86
          eavbe_nt32_enu.msi = Eset AntiVirus Business Edition x86
          eav_nt64_enu.msi = Eset AntiVirus Home Edition x64
          eavbe_nt64_enu.msi = Eset AntiVirus Business Edition x64

          Which one are you using because only the eavbe_nt32_enu.msi and eavbe_nt64_enu.msi (depending on the architecture you are using) will work in Windows Server 2008. Make sure you are using one of these.

        • #47565

          ok thanks very much
          it’s noce to find good helper!

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