Nero 9 Trial dosent install in Windows server 2008 Enterpris

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 Applications Compatibility Nero 9 Trial dosent install in Windows server 2008 Enterpris

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    • #43393

      product Nero


    • #47389

        Download Nero 9, open the Properties of the installer (Nero- and set the Compitability to “Windows XP (Service Pack 2)”.

        Now it will install fine! 🙂

      • #47392

        unfortunately it doesn’t work for me. The installation always encounters an error “unable to access shell manager”. I tried to install with a new administrator account, but didn’t work either.

        Does anybody have any further ideas?

        best regards


      • #47390

        Yep, same here.
        If i set the Compitability to “Windows XP (Service Pack 2)” i can start the installer, but at 9% i get an error.
        Anyone have an idea how to install Nero 9??

      • #47391

          What applications do you install? I only installed Nero Express and Nero Burning Rom and it worked fine. Try to completely remove all Nero products, using the Nero CleanTool from, then try to install Nero 9 again.

        • #47393

          OK, i tried to install Nero Vision and Recode too.
          Maybe it work if i only install Nero Burning Rom.

          But my main problem is, that i get an error on startup of Burning Rom (7,8,9), that i dont have enough rights to burn. So i have to start Nero Burning Rom as Administrator.
          U have a solution for that Problem? Nero Burn Rights 8 didn’t help.

        • #47394

            I now installed Nero including the BurnRights, but that app just doesn’t work. However this worked for me:

            Change the shortcut of the application (in my case Nero Express) from

            "C:Program Files (x86)NeroNero 9Nero ExpressNeroExpress.exe" -ScParameter=30003  /w


            runas /savecred /user:Administrator ""C:Program Files (x86)NeroNero 9Nero ExpressNeroExpress.exe" -ScParameter=30003  /w"

            What I did:
            * Escaped the quotes by adding a backslash in front of them.
            * Added runas /savecred /user:Administrator “ in front of the original shortcut where you can replace Administrator can be any user that has Admin rights.
            * Added a quote at the end.

            Hope this solves your problem!


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