MySQL server big problem!!!

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 Applications Compatibility MySQL server big problem!!!

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    • #43014

      I have serius problem with mysql server first i installed 6.0.4-alpha but it´s and alpha version and crash with 10 or 20 consults and i have to stop and resume this services. Then i unisntall this version and try to install 5.1.23 and 5.0.51a but both have the same problem when they will be installed don´t prompt the configuration screen and when i try to execute it manually prompt me and error.

      Somebady try this?

      Also the Mysql GUI works perfectly when i test it over 6.0.4 version with some error in SQL Administrator in user administration

    • #45870

        Have you tried the manual Installing MySQL Server on Windows Server 2008 from (it’s the first result on google if I search for “mysql server 2008”)

        Hope that helps!

      • #45868

        I just read this manual but is the same that I make, my problem is with installation, but well i installed the version 6 again and works, i hope that soon the mysql team release a new version of this one. It´s work ok only crash sometime, but well better something that nothing. Whatever, thanks a lot for the information

      • #45869

        It took me a little bit of searching and i even had to look at Google’s cache pages. I think i may have found something that can help you with this.

        Look here

        Also, look at the way they had to fix MySql in Vista here,195569,195569#msg-195569

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