Microsoft Works 9

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    • #43200

      This is my first post on this forum, so greetings from Poland for everyone!
      Microsoft Works 9 – doesn’t work. Why? Installation: “Unable to install”.
      Any sugestions?

    • #46707

      Did you tried compatibility mode?

    • #46708

      Compatibility mode: no way… “Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista must be installed…” Any other suggestions?

    • #46709

      You can use MSI editor if the installation uses msi package, or you can try to trick the installer using the M$ application Application Verifier

    • #46710

        Here is how to install Microsoft Works 9:

        1. First enable the view of ‘hidden files and folders’ by going to Windows Explorer (-> [Alt] on your keyboard) -> Tools -> Folder Options -> View tab -> set the Hidden files and Folders option to Show hidden files and folders.
        2. Insert the Microsoft Works 9 disk and copy the folder MSWorks from the cd to your harddisk (for example your desktop).
        3. Download and install Orca MSI Editor using the Patching .msi installers tutorial and open the Works9.msi with Orca.
        4. In the LaunchCondition table drop the first and second condition and save the .msi
        5. Install Microsoft Works 9 by running Works9.msi!

        Good luck! 😉

      • #46711

        There is one problem 🙄 I have MS Works 9 in .exe file – WORKS9SE.exe from PC World Magazine 😮

      • #46712

          The only thing you have to do before you start with step 3 of the steps I previously explained, is to unpack the WORKS9SE.EXE. You can do this using 7-Zip or WinRAR. After having installed one of these programs, right click the WORKS9SE.EXE and choose Extract to WORKS9SE or open it with 7-Zip and choose Extract. After unpacking start from step 3.

        • #46713

          Yeees! 😀 Now it’s working! Thanks Arris!

        • #46714

            I’m glad you got it working now! 😉

          • #46715

            OK, so if this works for the Work9SE.exe (which I believe is a stand alone executable) what about the Work 9 cd? The disc itself has the Setup.exe file in it, but upon launching requires that you have XP SP2 or greater or Vista/Vista SP1… However Server 2008 does not qualify. The Setup.exe cannot be extracted via 7-zip, WinRAR, or Universal Extractor. PE Explorer does successfully open it, but I don’t know where the OS check line would be located in order to change it.

            Works 8 installs successfully, so there has to be (I’m assuming) something quite simple that can be done to get Works 9 installed???

          • #46717

              Doesn’t this trick work for you?

            • #46716

              Nope, unless I’m not finding the correct msi file. I’ve tried all the msi files that were on the disc, and still no luck…

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