Media Players thread

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    • #42933

      Media player 11 and S08x64 sync to sansa fuze properly. Post your mp3 player’s results here! Mostly for media players (hardware)

    • #45477

      MediaMonkey 3.x with my Sony PSP and iTunes 8 with my iPod Nano work fine for me.

      But they are just standard USB devices, and not that other format that Microsoft players use [where there is no drive letter but it actually comes up under My Computer as a media player or whatevs] cant remember what its called. Media Device Connection or something? Random guess.

    • #45478

      Sony mp3 players before 2008 do NOT work with server 2008, same driver certification error. also SStage will not load the devices entry tab. Use javastage if device detected and delete your music library off the device and reload songs to be able to use songs, if you have the “test driver” mode on. This has been confirmed to work but very unstable and cannot convert mp3 tracks to OMG without using SStage 3.1 do not use 4.x series media devices tab is unacessessible.

    • #45479

      @RemixedCat wrote:

      Sony mp3 players before 2008 do NOT work with server 2008, same driver certification error. also SStage will not load the devices entry tab. Use javastage if device detected and delete your music library off the device and reload songs to be able to use songs, if you have the “test driver” mode on. This has been confirmed to work but very unstable and cannot convert mp3 tracks to OMG without using SStage 3.1 do not use 4.x series media devices tab is unacessessible.

      I love Sony PMP’s, all of them, but the SonicStage software is complete and utter garbage In my experience so i’m not surprised 🙁 it’s a shame, because it’s the only propper/legal/easy way to use ATRAC3 format too :'( but oh well WMA will do for me 😀

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