LAN sharing Problems

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    • #44278

      I already have Enabled Network Discovery and Enabled file sharing and Turned off password protected sharing. However,other LAN computers could not find it but I could find some of them 😥


      — SOS–

      😐 Thx~

    • #51827

      Did you enable guest account?

      By default guest is disabled.

    • #51828

      If you want the password-protected sharing option to stick at OFF even after you restart the computer, the GUEST account is required to be enabled. Windows Vista/7 clients use the guest account on Windows Server to connect to shares when password-protected requirements are off. I know this because when I create a custom share with special ntfs file permissions, I am greeted with this message when I attempt to delete a file that I do not have the permission to delete…

      When attempting to delete the file I am greeted with a “You require permissions from STEVENGuest to make changes to this file”

      Very simply put you might have set up a network share on your computer with password requirements off and your computers cannot connect to it simply because the guest account is disabled.

      To enable the guest account, click on start, and choose run. Type in “net user guest /active:yes”. After that the guest account should be enabled.

      You might also have a conflict with NTFS file permissions. NTFS file permissions take precedence over share permissions in the Windows hierarchy. If you use the “Share with” context menu option to share files between computers on your network the wizard should automatically add the appropriate security parameters without you having to intervene with the file. It is a more simple method of sharing files, either you allow read-only or full control. You can be more precise with advanced NTFS file permissions on which users have access to what share. Also I can create a share that will allow other computers on my network to add files to the share, but CANNOT delete existing files in that share. So for example if Bob pastes a file in my share and Kevin tries to log on to my share later and delete Bob’s file he cannot. With the simple “share with” option you have only three options, “read only”, “contributer” or “co-owner”. The contributor and co-owner can delete files so you are pretty much in control of the share with the ability to delete stuff.

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