
Forums General Introduction Greetings

  • This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #43980


        I’m Dark Server 2008, I’m new to these forums but have been around for quite some time on the main site answering questions and helping people in the 240 days Evaluation comment area.

        I’m an educated C# and VB.Net developer/coder and love everything that comes to IT.
        I love the server versions of Windows and everything it has to offer.
        I think that Windows Server 2008 R2 is a great OS with much potential.

        I love games and play as much as possible when I have the time for it.

        I’ll see you around!

        C# and SQL


        Intel C2D E7400 OC @ 3,5GHz
        XFX nVidia GeForce 9800GT 512MB
        OS: Not decided yet
        LG 42″ HDTV LCD TV

        Currently playing: Akumajou Dracula X – Gekka no Yasoukyoku, Sega Saturn

      • #50324

          Hey Dark Server 2008,

          I indeed recognize you from all comments you have posted/help you have given at the pages in the manual! 🙂 I’m glad you like to use Server 2008 R2 for daily use and to explore all features included.

          See you around at the forum / comment pages! 😉


        • #60143

            Hey Dark Server 2008,

            I indeed recognize you from all comments you have posted/help you have given at the pages in the manual! 🙂 I’m glad you like to use Server 2008 R2 for daily use and to explore all features included.

            See you around at the forum / comment pages! 😉


          • #50325

              Thanks Arris

              I feel so welcome here, I will try to stop by as often as I can here.

              I post quite often in the Comment of 240 Days evaluation area and noticed I first started in August 2009 around the launch, haha 🙂 have all these months really passed? 😯

              Well Windows Server rocks no question about it and I will continue to work on this platform for a very long time, to bad I don’t have so much time anymore to test things like I want to, I guess things in life change.

              I will definetly try to help out as best I can.

              Thanks again.

              C# and SQL


              Intel C2D E7400 OC @ 3,5GHz
              XFX nVidia GeForce 9800GT 512MB
              CORSAIR 8GB DDR2 XMS2 RAM
              OS: Not decided yet
              LG 42″ HDTV LCD TV

              Currently playing: Akumajou Dracula X – Gekka no Yasoukyoku, Sega Saturn

            • #60144

                Thanks Arris

                I feel so welcome here, I will try to stop by as often as I can here.

                I post quite often in the Comment of 240 Days evaluation area and noticed I first started in August 2009 around the launch, haha 🙂 have all these months really passed? 😯

                Well Windows Server rocks no question about it and I will continue to work on this platform for a very long time, to bad I don’t have so much time anymore to test things like I want to, I guess things in life change.

                I will definetly try to help out as best I can.

                Thanks again.

                C# and SQL


                Intel C2D E7400 OC @ 3,5GHz
                XFX nVidia GeForce 9800GT 512MB
                CORSAIR 8GB DDR2 XMS2 RAM
                OS: Not decided yet
                LG 42″ HDTV LCD TV

                Currently playing: Akumajou Dracula X – Gekka no Yasoukyoku, Sega Saturn

              • #50326

                  @Dark Server 2008 wrote:

                  I post quite often in the Comment of 240 Days evaluation area and noticed I first started in August 2009 around the launch, haha 🙂 have all these months really passed? 😯

                  Haha, yeah, time flies! 😆 @Dark Server 2008 wrote:

                  Well Windows Server rocks no question about it and I will continue to work on this platform for a very long time, to bad I don’t have so much time anymore to test things like I want to, I guess things in life change.

                  That’s my problem too: I have to spend 6 days and evenings per week for my study and use Sunday as a day to cool down.

                  Sounds like we should change our way of life! 😉

                • #60145

                    @Dark Server 2008 wrote:

                    I post quite often in the Comment of 240 Days evaluation area and noticed I first started in August 2009 around the launch, haha 🙂 have all these months really passed? 😯

                    Haha, yeah, time flies! 😆 @Dark Server 2008 wrote:

                    Well Windows Server rocks no question about it and I will continue to work on this platform for a very long time, to bad I don’t have so much time anymore to test things like I want to, I guess things in life change.

                    That’s my problem too: I have to spend 6 days and evenings per week for my study and use Sunday as a day to cool down.

                    Sounds like we should change our way of life! 😉

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