ethernet controller + PCI simple communications controller

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 Hardware Compatibility (New) ethernet controller + PCI simple communications controller

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    • #43367

      Hi all,

      I installed windows server 2008 EE on my newly bought lenovo thinkpad t400 and after a long hassle trying to hunt down drivers i manage to get all but two devices working.

      no matter what i try, it seems nothing works for these two. i downloaded everest but i only got generic names for the hardware. i went to lenovos website and downloaded multiple versions of the corresponding driver but still no results.

      what i also tried is to install vista on my laptop, make sure all devices were working, then backed up all my drivers onto a usb drive. so when prompted for a location, i tried to search the usb drive for the driver that should have been backed up, but apparently it didnt work. i also tried the automatic find-online option and that didnt give me anything either.

      so at this point im pretty lost. i think it may just be that it just isn’t compatible with server 2008 but im really hoping that isn’t true because while it isn’t too great of a drawback, it does kinda suck that the ethernet port on my new laptop doesnt work.

      so im just wondering if anyone has come across this problem before (googling, i found that some people had this problem with server 2003), and if theres any sort of workaround.


    • #47215


        What you did with backupping the drivers from a Vista installation and copying them to your Win2008srv installation should work fine if the installations are the same architectures (x86|x64). The only thing I can think of is just run the Add Hardware and force Windows to install the drivers of the hardware that you backupped from the Vista installation. Eventually you can also try to Disable Driver Signature Enforcement.

        Hope this helps you a bit!

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