Chi-town here!

Forums General Introduction Chi-town here!

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    • #42963

      Kinda new to the server platform, but have some experiecne with server 2003.

      I’m an Audio and video guy so all my applications will deal with such. I’m also a beta tester for Magix Sequoia Audio sequencer.

      If I stumble across cool things along the way with server2008, Ill be sure to post them here.

      Oh, Go Sox! and vote for Obama! πŸ˜€

    • #45689

      Hello Dr.Funk,

      You are welcome here with all of us. Thanks for your presentation.

      I supposed you come from the USA, talking about Obama; here, there are a lot of people from Europe. I am used to hear on TV, talking about the sentence “Casse toi pauvre con” from Sarkozy, that shook a lot of people around France. πŸ˜€

      We hope you’ll enjoy your presence and do not hesitate to ask or answer questions in sections. Here you’ll find a lot of experts, working in different fields about computers, networks, etc… (I am not included in those experts 😎 )

      Have a great experience on this forum !


    • #45690

      Hello, fellow Illini!

      We may be from the same state, but we are around 8 hours apart. I live way down around Marion, IL north of Paducah, KY.

      Thank you for joining and we look forward to hearing what you have to say!

    • #45691

      Thanks and greets fello Illini! πŸ˜€

      I had to replace my C drive just yesterday so I get to reinstall 2008, but once I do Ill start posting all the working and non working audio apps I have. Might just work out as a DAW. Digital Audio Workstation, just as a friendly fyi.

      Go Sox! 😳

    • #45692

      Welcome to the site. πŸ˜›

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