BlueTooth and the Dell Latitude E6510

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 R2 Hardware Compatibility BlueTooth and the Dell Latitude E6510

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    • #43839

      I was wondering if I can tap someones advice… I have been reading up on the BlueTooth for Windows 2008R2 with some interest and recently purchased a new Dell Latitude E6510 with the integrated Dell wireless 375 Bluetooth module.

      Initially, I tested Bluetooth with Windows 7 64-bit and the Dell drivers which worked perfectly.
      I installed Windows 2008 R2 (latest service packs) and with much of the great information at Win2008Workstation have everything up and running – except for Bluetooth.

      Anyway, The Dell drivers for Vista or Windows 7 64-bit did not install (incorrect operating system. Opened a case with Microsoft support but found their assistance to be of little value. Oddly enough, Microsoft support said Bluetooth should work without a hitch as long as the hardware vendor provides the proper drivers – really???

      So I downloaded AsciiWolfs latest files…

      BTW_6.2.1.2600_2k8r2.7z (Broadcom drivers)

      I could not successfully run “install.cmd” and after manually stepping through the batch file, found that there were various errors related to “sharing violations” – files already existing in directories and not being able to run something that had to do with a scheduled task. I was logged in as a local administrative user.

      Bottom line – I cannot verify that the “install.cmd” successfully performed all it’s operations…

      When attempting to run the Broadcom drivers, I received the invalid OS and eventually removed the “install directives” with ORCA and ran BTW.MSI directly (which installed)

      So now, after booting up, I have a Bluetooth icon in the task bar mentioning that Bluetooth is disabled. When I “right click” and start Bluetooth, the icon disappears. I see a Bluetooth service in the service panel and I have set it to load automatically.

      I see no way of pairing or searching for any Bluetooth devices. No icons or programs with which to view the Bluetooth status. My previous laptop used the Toshiba drivers which had options for searching for Bluetooth devices etc. I tried searching for the laptop from my Windows Mobile phone (via Bluetooth but no laptop found. BTW – for what it’s worth, I also tried installing the Toshiba drivers on this laptop but they could not find a device. I subsequently removed the Toshiba drivers prior to attempting the installation of your patches drivers.

      My device panel shows the following: (see attached files)

      Any advise would be appreciated….

      Thanks for anyones support !!!

    • #49635

      Try this, if you want. You will need a computer with Windows 7 64-bit already installed (or in a VM) because you will need to grab some files from it.

      First go into device manager and right-click on your bluetooth device, and choose Uninstall. Place a checkmark next to “delete the driver software for this device” as well. Restart if it asks you. When you restart your bluetooth device should show up as an unknown device.

      Now follow the tutorial for installing bluetooth stack on server 2008 here:

      Its for Server 2008 (Vista-based) but I’m pretty sure it should work for R2 as well.

    • #59446

        Try this, if you want. You will need a computer with Windows 7 64-bit already installed (or in a VM) because you will need to grab some files from it.

        First go into device manager and right-click on your bluetooth device, and choose Uninstall. Place a checkmark next to “delete the driver software for this device” as well. Restart if it asks you. When you restart your bluetooth device should show up as an unknown device.

        Now follow the tutorial for installing bluetooth stack on server 2008 here:

        Its for Server 2008 (Vista-based) but I’m pretty sure it should work for R2 as well.

      • #49636

        @halladayrules wrote:

        Its for Server 2008 (Vista-based) but I’m pretty sure it should work for R2 as well.

        It doesn’t work for R2!
        R2 has the whole Bluetooth stack (not only drivers) missing and also, you must change “NTamd64…1” to “NTamd64”, not “NTamd64…3”!

      • #59447

          @halladayrules wrote:

          Its for Server 2008 (Vista-based) but I’m pretty sure it should work for R2 as well.

          It doesn’t work for R2!
          R2 has the whole Bluetooth stack (not only drivers) missing and also, you must change “NTamd64…1” to “NTamd64”, not “NTamd64…3”!

        • #49637

          @ngcbms wrote:

          found that there were various errors related to “sharing violations” – files already existing in directories

          That’s strange… :-/

          @ngcbms wrote:

          and not being able to run something that had to do with a scheduled task

          Damn, that’s really strange… 😕

        • #59448

            @ngcbms wrote:

            found that there were various errors related to “sharing violations” – files already existing in directories

            That’s strange… :-/

            @ngcbms wrote:

            and not being able to run something that had to do with a scheduled task

            Damn, that’s really strange… 😕

          • #49638

            @AsciiWolf wrote:

            @halladayrules wrote:

            Its for Server 2008 (Vista-based) but I’m pretty sure it should work for R2 as well.

            It doesn’t work for R2!
            R2 has the whole Bluetooth stack (not only drivers) missing and also, you must change “NTamd64…1” to “NTamd64”, not “NTamd64…3”!

            I see. All changing the version from 1 to 3 parameter does it tell the installer that you are installing the bluetooth stack on a server platform. So it wouldn’t it be possible to install the 64-bit Vista/2008-glorified BT stack on R2 and use the Vista-based Dell driver to get it to work huh? I’m not into Bluetooth so you’re the expert on this one Ascii, I trust your insight.

          • #59449

              @AsciiWolf wrote:

              @halladayrules wrote:

              Its for Server 2008 (Vista-based) but I’m pretty sure it should work for R2 as well.

              It doesn’t work for R2!
              R2 has the whole Bluetooth stack (not only drivers) missing and also, you must change “NTamd64…1” to “NTamd64”, not “NTamd64…3”!

              I see. All changing the version from 1 to 3 parameter does it tell the installer that you are installing the bluetooth stack on a server platform. So it wouldn’t it be possible to install the 64-bit Vista/2008-glorified BT stack on R2 and use the Vista-based Dell driver to get it to work huh? I’m not into Bluetooth so you’re the expert on this one Ascii, I trust your insight.

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