Big problems with sidebar?

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 Applications Compatibility Big problems with sidebar?

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    • #43443

      I have convetet 2008. But i have big problem that is every time i reboot my pc the Sidebar installation file continue to popup and ask if i allow this file? but it should startup in the tray.

      Cot one of you tell me how to uninstall it so i can install right this time?

    • #47577

        See the Troubleshooting section of the Installing the Vista Sidebar page in the Manual how to fix this.

        Good luck! 😉


      • #47578

        I have that but after reboot my pc it still pops up. side I deleted the Windows Sidebar folder in Programs Files , download the zip file again install again . Now it works but when am adding more 2 gargets above disappear?

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