AMD Catalyst 11.7 Preview Server 2K8 R2 Raady

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 R2 Hardware Compatibility AMD Catalyst 11.7 Preview Server 2K8 R2 Raady

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    • #44290

      These are based on the 11.7 Developers gDEBugger Preview Drivers. The driver, CCC2, Hydra Vision and MS Visual C++ runtime were Server 2008/R2 was Ready. The features that required editing with orca are AVIVO, Drag N Drop Transcoding, MCE Encoder. OpenCL and WMV Decoder.

      More Info @

      Download @ or

    • #51864

        Great job posting all these Server-Ready driver-installers! :geek: This will surely help many people! 🙂

      • #51863

        Thanks for the work!
        I have not installed this package but your previous.
        The installer works perfectly.

        The only issue I’ve seen is that the Catalyst control centre (CCC) is crashing upon startup. This is no big deal really. May be better without it stealing resources (Note: CCC works if one run the AMD official installer).

        This seem to be the same issue I had years ago with Windows 2003 and my good old ASUS Radeon x850 Extreme. The ATI drivers were OK, but Catalyst control centre just refused to work on the Server version. I’ve used NVidia for a while since then, so I cannot say anything for the period in between.

        As for the benefit of the missing packages on server version. OpenCL is obvious and it’s strange that they disabled it. As for the other packages I have not seen any action from them. Are they working? AMD is talking about “ATI Stream technology” whatever this is exactly. If I understand it right is the WMVDecoder/WMVDecoder64 package a DirectShow or possibly a DirectX Media Objects (DMO) codec for converting media files. AVIVO seems to be obsolete? Are there any Media Foundation functionality?

        regards Jerker

      • #51865


        well, last time i tried those drivers, them worked very well.

        but – for a bug in .net framework 4 and gfwl – i had to format my pc. then after a clean install, i tried to install the catalyst. for my surprise, ccc dont start.

        this time, i dont have .net framework 4. is this required for ccc?

      • #51866

        AMD Catalyst 11.7 WHQL is out:




        However, I did have the problem installing it after I uninstalled 11.5 WHQL via windows Control Panel. The 11.7 driver installed and worked fine but the Catalyst 11.7 application wouldn’t launch properly everytime with the message that it’s “not compatible with the current driver version“. Driver Sweeper in safe mode didn’t help.

        I then searched for the word “ATi” in the registry, and it found one entry called “ATI_WDDM …” which I deleted. Now my PC refused to boot normally, and I had to boot in safe. In the safe mode I went to Control panel/Device Manager and deleted the Standard VGA Device. Now I could boot normally and installed ATI Catalyst 11.7 successfully and it’s working fine with all the Catalyst options in place.

        One thing though, I can’t figure out how to get to work Hydravision and AMD Video Converter which both install but don’t appear in CCC, there’s no way to use them in Server R2. 🙁 It’s been an issue for long time already, so all interested users please feel free to help me report it to the Catalyst Feedback Crew:



        but – for a bug in .net framework 4 and gfwl – i had to format my pc. then after a clean install, i tried to install the catalyst. for my surprise, ccc dont start.

        this time, i dont have .net framework 4. is this required for ccc?

        Add the .Net Framework feature from the Server Console, and reboot. Then use web installer from Microsoft to update to .net version 4:

      • #51867

        The Drivers and CCC are Server Ready. The features are not, that’s why they don’t install, unless the .msi files are modified for Server.

      • #51868

        @t3nk3n, I know that. My point is Catalyst, drivers, and features should be made fully compatible with windows server.

        Problem 1:

        The Drivers and CCC are Server Ready.

        Not so ready. To install the new version I had to delete ATI WDDM from the registry and delete Standard VGA from device manager. Looks it’s been a problem for years:


        Problem 2:

        The features are not, that’s why they don’t install, unless the .msi files are modified for Server.

        The features should be compatible too.

        Reason #1 – quite a few people use server OS with AMD cards.
        Reason #2 – if it is possible to edit .msi then why not to do it officially.


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