Re: Re: Sidebar don’t operates

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 Miscellaneous Sidebar don’t operates Re: Re: Sidebar don’t operates


Thank’s for your help, but ist doesn’t works.

I delete the Folder “C:Program FilesWindows Sidebar” and copy your folder on this place. The I click “Start” -> “Run” an input “C:Program FilesWindows Sidebarsidebar.exe /RegServer” and then this “C:Program FilesWindows Sidebarsidebar.exe”. The Sidebar don’t show only I see the icon in the tray. If I move the mouse over the tray the icon are disappearance.

As the next step I delete the folder “C:Program FilesWindows Sidebar” again and load the files again from “” and copied the folder on this place. I do “Start” -> “Run” an input “C:Program FilesWindows Sidebarsidebar.exe /RegServer” and then this “C:Program FilesWindows Sidebarsidebar.exe” again and the Sidebar open without gadget. You see it here[attachment=1:2pd1n4nu]File_1.jpg[/attachment:2pd1n4nu].

Then I copied the german Files from you, to the Folder and overwrite the existing Files. I do “Start” -> “Run” an input “C:Program FilesWindows Sidebarsidebar.exe /RegServer” and then this “C:Program FilesWindows Sidebarsidebar.exe” again. Now i see the sidebar with german menu but without gadget’s.
All things I write here I do as the Administrator.

Have anybody a idea?
