Re: Re: Microsoft Experience Index

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 Miscellaneous Microsoft Experience Index Re: Re: Microsoft Experience Index


Yeah, dont be worried for bumping the thread Necsis079, I have an interest in getting the user interface for the whole Windows Experience Index and the games folder and all that in Server 2008 definately! After I fix Media Center and/or Origami, I might check this out 😀

Speaking of which, Arris do you think maybe a wishlist sorted by *priority* could be in order? Just an informal thing for me to check out? I’m sure all sorts of people have asked you how to do this and that, and that there are probably many many things you know of that 2008 doesnt have, which isnt listed in the site [BitLocker Drive Encryption for example isnt on here I dont think, but I dont care about it anyway lol just an example]