Re: Re: Flatout Ultimate Carnage

Forums Operating Systems Windows Server 2008 Games Compatibility Flatout Ultimate Carnage Re: Re: Flatout Ultimate Carnage


    hey Dox, Welcome at the forums!

    About your Flatout Ultimate Carnage problem: I can install it without any problems. See here the last part of my installation log:

    Copy to C:Program Files (x86)Empire InteractiveFlatOut Ultimate CarnagedatamusicThisIsMenace_CoverGirlMonument.ogg
    Create shortcut: C:Program Files (x86)Empire InteractiveFlatOut Ultimate CarnageFlatout Ultimate Carnage.lnk
    Create folder: C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsGameExplorer{12BDE76B-2768-4812-BA04-F7547AF838B1}PlayTasks
    Create shortcut: C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsGameExplorer{12BDE76B-2768-4812-BA04-F7547AF838B1}PlayTasksPlay.lnk
    Create folder: C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsGameExplorer{12BDE76B-2768-4812-BA04-F7547AF838B1}SupportTasks
    Create shortcut: C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsGameExplorer{12BDE76B-2768-4812-BA04-F7547AF838B1}SupportTasksHome Page.lnk
    Execute: "I:redistDirectXdxsetup.exe" /silent
    Execute: "msiexec" /I I:redistXLiveRedist01.02.0241.00.msi /quiet
    Execute: "I:redistvcredist_x86.exe" /q

    If your installation again and again crashes at that msi you can try to replace it with an msi of some other application that can be installed successfully using the /quiet switch. However I am not sure if the game runs without installing the Games for Windows – LIVE Redistributable v1.2 installation package.